International College Hong Kong
Mar 21, 2023

Year 7 Assembly

Year 7 students have been celebrating their Deep Learning achievements.

A special assembly was held to highlight the importance of their personal growth during the recent Deep Learning Independent Travel unit.

They heard that no matter how small or big the challenges were, they all showed courage in the learning zone.

The assembly, led by Head of Year 7 Nelly Loi-Fong was themed around ‘Building Resilience’, and focused on the ability to accept setbacks and adjust to change.

The students heard that resilient skills are important when dealing with change, whether that is transitioning to secondary from primary school, a change in a friendship group, conflict with peers, managing study workload, change in family.

Nelly spoke about different ways to develop resilience, including the ‘stop, think, breathe, mindful response’ approach.

The students were also introduced to the skill of ‘impulse control’, learning that being resilient doesn't mean that we don't feel impulsive, rather we learn to identify and control our impulses that best suits a desired outcome and response from others.

After the assembly, students worked in small groups to discuss and work on specific scenarios on how and where impulse control strategies could be applied. They then shared their responses with the whole class.

The work is all part of their ongoing Year 7 training to become ‘happy, confident, intelligent warriors’.

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