International College Hong Kong

Academic Results

An International Education

ICHK students achieve strong IBDP and IGCSE results, and all secure their first choice university destinations.


Assessment, rather than simply an instrument for measuring learning,
becomes a tool for helping students to become better learners.

Assessment is central to all teaching and learning. It is an ongoing process of gathering and analysing information on student learning. It identifies what students know, understand, can do and feel at different stages in the learning process.


At ICHK we use the ICHK Approaches to Learning, on which we report specifically twice a year. This gives students feedback about their attitude to challenge, resilience and motivation, attitude to feedback and advice, organization, initiative and decision-making, ability to work independently and with others, self-regulation and contribution to class. In addition to this, our bespoke virtual learning environment Gibbon provides parents with direct access to their children’s learning as it develops. Teachers provide more than 60 pieces of written feedback throughout the year, via the Gibbon Markbook, using our Reporting, Assessment and Feedback guidelines.

We make use of Assessment for Learning Strategies and students set SMART targets to help them understand their goals and work towards continual improvement. Parents receive an annual full report and an end-of-year transcript. Where relevant, they are informed of the National Curriculum, IGCSE or IB Diploma level at which their child is working. In other cases, for example where courses are not externally examined nor covered by the UK National Curriculum, they are advised of their child’s secureness of grasp of the skills, concepts and information with which they are engaging.

The main purpose of assessment is to ensure that students know where they are and how they can improve. We believe that face-to-face meetings are the best way for students, parents and teachers to exchange views and come to an understanding of how to best support the student’s academic improvement.

To ensure we achieve this goal, teachers meet with parents and students three times a year to extensively discuss student progression and achievement.

Exam Results

ICHK students achieve strong IBDP and IGCSE results, and all secure their first choice university destinations.

This year, once again, students celebrated some truly outstanding IB Diploma results.  Our average IB Diploma score was 30.7, and our pass rate was 96%, significantly higher than the global pass rate of 80%.

Our IGCSE and BTEC results are in line with the highest achieving schools in Hong Kong and beyond, with 98% of the grades attained by our students in 2024 awarded at A*-C.

Since our very first cohort, our IB Diploma Programme students have scored above world averages and have progressed to prestigious universities around the world.

Unlike other schools, ICHK does not select students for the IB Diploma Programme. All those who follow the IGCSE course with us have the opportunity to participate in the full Diploma if they choose to. This reflects our commitment both to student choice and to a growth mindset. Every year, students with a wide range of academic profiles apply themselves with focus and determination, pushing themselves to exceed personal expectations. Every single result is built on a foundation of hard work, consistently excellent approaches to learning, and wonderfully positive relationships between students and staff.

It is this holistic background to examination success that we are most proud of as a school. Our students routinely embrace the school’s growth ethos and go far beyond what might be expected of them, demonstrating the skills which will be critical to their future success at IB, university and beyond.


The following is a list of universities and colleges to which ICHK graduates have been admitted:

Anglia Ruskin University, Birmingham University, Bath Spa University, Central Saint Martin’s College, Durham University, Hull York Medical School, King’s College London, Loughborough University, Liverpool Hope University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Surrey University, Swansea University, University of Bath, University of Brighton, University of Bristol, University College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Exeter, University of Kent, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, University of Nottingham, University of Newcastle, University of Oxford, University of St Andrews
University of Sussex, University of the West of England.

Chinese University of Hong Kong, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Savannah College of Art and Design
Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong.

Curtin University, Singapore, APU Ritsumeikan, Japan.

Humboldt State University, California, University of California, Berkley
University of California, Davis, University of California, Irvine, University of California - San Jose, California, University of Illinois, Utah State University, Utah
Northeastern University, Massachusetts.

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Jacobs University, Germany
Met Fil School, Berlin, Germany.

Australian National University, University of Aukland, University of Melbourne Victoria, Victoria University of Wellington.

University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, Waterloo University.


Mastery Transcript

In 2021, ICHK unveiled a new curriculum strand, as we proudly push forward the boundaries of assessment.

We are offering senior students the opportunity to attain the ICHK Mastery Transcript, developed and structured to meet the provisions of the Mastery Transcript Consortium.

The Mastery Transcript, offered as an additional qualification to the IB Diploma, features no grades, is not standardised, and yet can be processed by the best university admissions officers within two minutes.

The aim is to value and recognise graduating students for all their attributes, capabilities, passions, achievements, and interests, not just for their academic abilities.

Backed by the Mastery Transcript Consortium, it brings together like minded schools and universities from around the world in seeking a meaningful alternative to standardised testing.

ICHK is one of a growing number of schools globally which are offering this qualification, and, the first school in Hong Kong to graduate students with a MT.

The genesis of this qualification marks a significant point in the development of ICHK, as we openly and honestly search for better ways to help young people learn and attain their ambitions and aspirations.

It is the culmination of an approach that we have been developing and refining for a number of years, through our innovations to timetable, curriculum and pedagogy. These include Free Learning, Human Technologies, Deep Learning and Outdoor Learning, all of which serve to offer our students more choice, more flexibility, different work practices and more opportunities to develop skills and attributes which are not addressed by examinations.


The ICHK journey to mastery begins in Year 7, as new students begin their Epistemic Apprenticeship with a focus on Approaches to Learning, backed by ICHK’s 5+1 Model of learning.

During Years 10 and 11, students move into the Wayfinder phase, in which Enrichment & Flow classes are used to introduce them to the Mastery Transcript, and provide them with the time and opportunities they need should they choose to pursue their own transcript.

Students are offered opportunities to become a ‘journeyman’, through engagement with projects, activities, internships, and other learning experiences.

Successful completion will result in credits, which will be mapped across three domains: Ideas, Actions and People. All of these are encompassed within a Values framework.

This work continues into Years 12 and 13, as students move into the IB Diploma, and start to enjoy unscheduled personal study time within their timetables.

Credit-worthy engagements could include leadership activities, work experience, project management, teamwork initiatives, public speaking, class work, service to others, and other examples of learning which demonstrate the skills and attributes needed to lead a successful life.

Students build on this work to the point where they become Masters and credits can be awarded for substantial, self-directed, verifiable achievements. A combination of credits from one or more of the domains will qualify students for the award. The mix they achieve will be a unique and individual to them – and will be a reflection of the person they are becoming; and of the efforts and energy that go into that project of growth and consolidation.

Our longer term hope is that the efforts of a growing number of schools, of which we are proud to be one, will come to promote a wider view of learning. It will be a view that helps bring about a world where the complexity of human potential is genuinely valued and nurtured in the teenage years, and where young people graduate to university or to useful employment having been fully known and recognised by the schools in which they study.

This all builds on our earlier work to award the ICHK Diploma which aligns exactly with the aims of the MTC.

We are very proud of our Mastery Transcript graduates, who are members of a rapidly growing global cohort.
Our MT Graduates

View Graduate Transcripts

Serena Cheung, Class of 2020
Click on the image below to view the live transcript, using this code when prompted: GFDU5F


Katherine Leung, Class of 2020
Click on the image below to view the live transcript, using this code when prompted: GFDU5F

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