International College Hong Kong

Flexible Learning

Flexible Learning is an innovative new learning programme, born of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ICHK innovation began as a selection of activities offered to students during the early days of school closures, designed to add variety, stimulation and value to student learning.


It was honed and formalised in Gibbon, and now features 100 exciting units, covering a wide range of topics from the solar system, to children’s books from history, film making to surrealist drawing.

Each unit majors in a different skill or subject, and the aim is to encourage students to dip into different areas of learning that they enjoy, at any time. In the future, set times for Flexible Learning will be built into regular school.

Flexible Learning adds another dimension to our Curriculum X, which encompasses everything we offer beyond the traditional curriculum.

Over time, our hope is that students build up a record of the Flexible Learning that they have undertaken, which can then become a tool for them to reflect and use in the Mastery Transcript.

An article on Flexible Learning, written by Director of Curriculum X Douglas Kidd has been published in TES. The feature, entitled ‘Flexible Learning: Podcasts, poetry, aliens and animals’. It is a positive celebration of the programme, and a fantastic explanation of the theory and practice of the course.
Read the Article

Offline Activities

This booklet introduces long-term, free-flowing, deep-dive, and organic learning opportunities, all of which can be completed off-line. We hope we have successfully created experiences that remind students of the exciting, rewarding, surprising things that life still offers, even in challenging circumstances.

Units to Download

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