International College Hong Kong
Aug 17, 2020

Preparing for a new term

We’re counting down to the start of the new school year.

Our online learning programmes have been finalised, based on extensive experience from the past year, and best practice from around the world.

Across Kindergarten. Primary and Secondary, they have all been carefully designed to provide rich, structured and broad learning experiences for our students.

Exercise books, worksheets, text books, resource packs, stationery, computers, and library books have all been organised and are being collected from both schools, as we prepare to welcome our students over the next few days.

We hope for a return to on-campus learning in the not too distant future. In the meantime, our dedicated teachers will be working to ensure that all our students are supported academically and emotionally, and that they enjoy and are energised by all their engagements with school activities.

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