International College Hong Kong
Sep 24, 2023

Outdoor Leaders

The Outdoor Leadership programme has started for our Year 10 students.

A group of students has started working towards the certificates during their weekly Enrichment and Flow lessons.

The unique initiative recognises students for their work in outdoor education. Over the coming year, the Year 10s who have enrolled will be given opportunities to help lead activities for their younger peers and students from our partner primary schools.

They will help to support events including canyoning, outdoor learning days with our partner primaries and Deep Learning.

Events like these offer our students unique opportunities to develop key life skills including communication, planning, organisation and problem solving.

The Year 10s will help and encourage younger students, organise activities and help those who need support to step outside their comfort zone.

They will learn how to plan and lead an engaging session, while considering safety, responding to changes in the weather, timings and the need to add or subtract activities and think on their feet. They will also take care of equipment and resources, adjusting ropes and lighting fires.

Through a cycle of experiencing and reflecting, students will help each other to develop their strengths.

Throughout the year there are opportunities for first aid training, AYP and qualification in outdoor activities including kayaking, sport climbing or camp-craft. Anyone who volunteers for at least four activities during their time in Years 10-13 is entitled to the award of this certificate, which is a major addition to student portfolios and university applications.

This week, students volunteered at a local eco-farm. They helped plant eggplants, while also learning about the ethos of the community farm.

Opportunities like these enable the students to develop self-confidence, leadership abilities, solve problems, and improve at personal management. They also contribute to a sense of community, service, and place at ICHK.

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