International College Hong Kong

Head of School Blog

Apr 19

Student Agency and Self-Empowerment

I must have blinked. Surely it was only a moment ago that we were gathered here, to wish last year’s graduates the best of luck and bon voyage. They say it’s a function of getting older that time speeds up and years flash by. I remember when the passing of a year really meant something;

Oct 12

The project of ICHK, in a nutshell.

Cambridge Strategies, a research body associated with Cambridge University, included us in their Innovation 800 project, which celebrates 800 years of academic excellence at Cambridge and which identifies global leaders in the field of educational change, in schools, universities and business.

Sep 04

Wisdom and Schooling

Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? From “The Rock” by TS Eliot Reflect for a moment on this entry from Wikipedia: “Homo sapiens (Latin: “wise man”) is the binomial nomenclature...

Jun 22

The Human Technologies Test

Those familiar with ICHK know that Human Technologies is a programme of study that we have developed over the past five years and which students from Year 7 to 10 follow each week. The course teaches that what makes humans so effective and powerful a presence on the planet is not just our native...

Jun 20

Why and how we promote sport at ICHK

One of the advantages of being a small school is that all our students have a real opportunity to take part in the full range of sporting activities that a school has to offer.  A good number of our students will have been on teams ranging from Football and Volleyball, from Touch to Bouldering....

Jun 15

Second Annual Science Fair - Head of School's Address

Thank you parents, students and staff for attending our second annual Science Fair. My intention over the next five minutes or so is to explain briefly why I believe that this evening’s event is such a significant one in our school’s calendar. In so doing, I am going to reflect on three themes –...

Jun 05

The world of work changes. And schools?

In a recent bulletin I linked to an article in Magenta, with the suggestion that: Those interested in understanding how our world is changing with the development of more sophisticated and pervasive digital technologies might find this article an enjoyable insight. Touching on emerging work...

Mar 21

The Non-Mystery of Examination Inflation

Coming from the UK and working in secondary education, I have grown accustomed to the annual media storm that centers on the release of the IGCSE and A Level results in the late summer. It’s a perennial British pantomime of which, happily, we get only a mild version in Hong Kong. It’s a...

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