International College Hong Kong
Jun 20, 2023

Year 9 Rite of Passage

A wonderful rite of passage has been marked by Year 9 students.

A day of adventure and celebration was staged as part of a symbolic journey into Year 10.

Students were split into two groups, with some hiking through the hills to Bride’s Pool and others taking part in a photo orienteering course.

Alongside the activities. the students spent time reflecting on challenges they have overcome and successes they've had, as they prepare to move into Year 10.

They also wrote letters of appreciation for others and a goal-setting letter to their future self, which they will open on their Year 10 expedition.

Students embraced the heavy rain and enjoyed the adventure, with the hikers enjoying a cool lemon tea stand on the trail.

The day finished with a video presentation of Year 7-9.

The event allowed them to reflect on their experiences, celebrate achievements, and transition with the right mindset into the next chapter of their ICHK story.

As a school, we believe in the transformative power and essential hallmarks of rites of passage and introduce them to students to meaningfully mark turning points in their lives; supporting them as they make the journey from childhood to adulthood.

We thank David Addis and all the staff members who were involved in the day.

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