International College Hong Kong
May 17, 2021

Tennis Lessons

Our younger students are enjoying tennis sessions, as we start to offer more sporting opportunities after the disruptions of the past year.

Year 7 and 8 students are all taking part in a morning of tennis coaching at the Hong Lok Yuen Country Club.

The aim is to provide them with some additional physical activity, and to energise them in a fun and interactive environment.

The students are being introduced to the rules of tennis and learning basic skills through a series of exercises and games.

PE, exercise and outdoor learning is central to our approaches, as our philosophy is grounded in the conviction that young people should be supported in developing their all-round characters if they are to produce themselves as confident, self-directed, ambitious, and fearless learners.

The circumstances of the past year have reduced the opportunities for our students to take part in group physical activities and sport, and we have been very pleased to see how much the students are enjoying these sessions.

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