International College Hong Kong
Mar 14, 2022

Maths Inspired Artwork.

Year 7 students have been creating maths inspired artwork.

Students of Jamie Holden’s maths class have been learning about angles and the ways in which polygons interact with each other.

As part of a creative exercise, they have produced tessellations, inspired by the artist M.C. Escher who first included the patterns in his artwork.

The drawings feature a repeating pattern of geometric shapes which fit together so there are no gaps.

Tiles used in tessellations can also be used for measuring distances and can be used to talk about perimeter and symmetry.

The lesson linked with the ‘visualisation’ theme which is one of the unifying maths principles in Year 7 and underpins all teaching and learning.

The work produced by the Year 7s can be viewed in this virtual gallery at

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