International College Hong Kong
May 09, 2024

Year 9's Rite of Passage

On Friday 3rd May, Year 9 completed their Rite of Passage.  By definition, a rite of passage is a ceremony marking an important stage in a person’s life, a transition from one stage to the next. For Year 9 this is their transition from lower school to upper school at ICHK.   

The day started with a briefing and a check that all students had what was necessary for the day. Groups were then asked to collect a rope, a helmet, a sleeping mat and two bamboo poles - unsure at this stage why these were needed.  To gain access to the bus, each group needed to solve a puzzle, given the only hint of “just one word”. Once solved, buses were boarded and the groups set off to their two locations.  Students carried a map and were shown the route by group leaders; once they were sure which way they were headed, they set off.  

Groups A, B & C walked along the waterfront from Kai Kuk Shue to Kuk Po while groups D, E and F hiked from Wu Kau Tang to Nam Chung Temple.  At a designated time, group leaders spoke to their groups with the following message;

In a world filled with obstacles and uncertainties, the need to support others in your community becomes even more essential. Each act of support, no matter how small, has the power to inspire and ignite a positive chain reaction. When you lend a helping hand, you not only uplift others but also discover the untapped potential within yourself."

Groups were now asked to utilise the items they carried to build a stretcher, strong enough to support a person and built by team effort.  Once built, each team member took turns to carry and be carried by their group - supported on their journey.  When all had had their turn, the hike/walk continued back to the bus to return to school.

After lunch, students in their groups were to complete community games. Each game required a different skill set but needed all team members to work together within a set time allocation.  When the time was up, two members remained behind to help the next group while the other members rotated to the next game.  Games included minefield, water tower and a magic carpet.

Next students worked on their letters of appreciation.  A few weeks ago I asked students to think about who had had an impact on their journey from Year 7 to Year 9 - it could be a friend, a teacher, a staff member or family member. What would they like to say to them?  A lot of letters were written, sharing wonderful messages of gratitude.  Some wrote more than one, some were short, others filled the page but all were able to express their thoughts on how their journey was complemented and supported.

 The day ended with Year 9 gathering together to view a collection of photos from their years at ICHK, video messages from tutors, the letters of appreciation shared on the wall, a message from me as their Head of Year and a message from Toby as Head of School.

It was a wonderful day and thankfully the rain stayed away so they could experience the event as it was intended.  I am incredibly proud of the Year 9s. I have watched them on their journey in the lower school for the last two years and I look forward to being with them as they journey into upper school.



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