International College Hong Kong
Sep 10, 2019

SoCO Camp at ICHK

SoCO students enjoyed an amazing summer camp at school, experiencing an intense and captivating 24 hour insight into everything that makes ICHK unique.

Students from the Society for Community Organisation visited us for a packed schedule of activities.

Our year 13 SoCO camp committee planned the whole event, building on a successful beach camp that they organised earlier this year.

They coordinated a series of activities which involved stretching the young people with team building and problem solving games, stepping out of their comfort zone on our climbing walls and leading games.

Our students were excellent ambassadors for ICHK, demonstrating all the characteristics which will be essential for success when they leave school.

They showed a capacity for sustained hard work, a sense of humour, adaptability, resilience, persistence and good teamwork skills. They communicated effectively, displayed initiative and leadership, as well as the ability to stick to a plan and lead groups.

Altogether they were responsible for planning the two camps in full, which included building a team, assigning roles, planning activities, research and reconnaissance, scheduling, purchasing and resourcing the events, fundraising, budgeting and finance, planning logistics and transport, execution of planned activities, followed by evaluation and reflection.

The event provided real opportunities to develop relationships, break down barriers and give back to the community – all values that are taught at our school.

Well done to our students who did a truly fantastic job.

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