International College Hong Kong
Mar 03, 2024

School Garden and Nature Trail

Work is underway to develop the school garden and nature trail into a sustainable ecosystem.

Year 10 and 11 EnF students are working on the project, to help promote local species as well as creating tranquil spaces for relaxation.

They are working under the guidance of Sustainability Coordinator Jon Rees and Outdoor Educator Dave Addis.

Students met with ICHK parent and Kadoorie Farm plant specialist Craig Williams, who reviewed the outdoors spaces and spoke to them about local flora and fauna.

They learned that the tall paperbark trees along the trail are from Australia, and were planted with the intention of preventing landslides. However, they are not of any interest to local insects, and are densely clustered in parts, reducing the chance for local species to grow.

The bracken, which has spread profusely on the floor, is aggressive and inhibits the growth of other plants. Craig explained that they establish their hegemony through secreting a toxin into the soil which stops other local species from growing.

A particular species along the trail is very rare, and may be one of only 1,000 in Hong Kong.

Students also learned about the endospermum tree, which attracts the enormous, beautiful tropical swallowtail moth, and which we sometimes see on campus. To help it grow, they conducted some tree surgery, allowing energy to be redirected to the main trunk and leaf system.

Using scythes, hoes and spades, students cleared the bracken in two sites, and established clear planting space for local saplings. They also began work to clear the rhizome root system, which is best done now when it's dry, cool and free of mosquitoes.

The work that has been completed is in preparation for planting season when the rains come in April. Planting saplings is one of the activities we have scheduled to celebrate Earth Week here at ICHK. We hope that by creating little pockets of biodiversity where local species might re-establish themselves, we can all benefit from time in our beautiful local environment.

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