International College Hong Kong

Kathryn Lung

Head of Learning Support and Teacher of English

Why did you want to become a teacher?

I was doing a Drama degree, which was teaching me I was in the wrong field. But in the second year, I did a module called Community Drama where I worked every week with a group of adults with Downs Syndrome in a day centre. I absolutely loved it. After that, I started doing some ESL tuition and so I decided to do a PGCE in English after finishing my degree.

What is your first memory from school?

Playtimes. We had huge concrete ‘pots’ that were clearly off a construction site and not intended for safe play. If you could run and jump up to sit on them, you’d made it. The school field and the ‘mud hills’, which were only open in the summer. You could then run up them and into the wood behind them where I would use a pine branch to brush pine needles aside to create ‘houses. 

In the classroom, I wanted to do everything right and was crushed if I didn’t. I remember that maths terrified me even in infant school. The homework where I had to add up pictures of 1 and 2 pence coins still haunts me to this day.

What makes a ‘good day’ at school?

When I’ve enjoyed what I was doing and seen that I’ve passed on my enthusiasm to the kids. And when the kids think a lesson/session has flown by.

If I walked into your classroom on a typical afternoon, what would I see going on?

Right now - me looking at lists of various staff and student names and trying to make sense of it all.

On a normal afternoon, in support sessions, it’s usually trying to find creative ways to engage tired students. I have been known to have an emergency packet of sweets to help those in need.

What are your “trapped on a desert island” books or movies?

His Dark Materials trilogy (because I can re-read and re-read these).

What is the hardest thing about being a teacher?

The tiredness that comes from the intensity of working in a one to one support context. The constant feeling that you haven’t done enough or the concern for the student and how they will get through school.

What inspires you?

When I see progress such as when a student has learnt to decode sounds for the first time in their life and tells you they can now read menus independently.



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