International College Hong Kong
Apr 09, 2019

ICHK Student Teachers

We were delighted to welcome secondary students to school, to teach our Year 3s about the science behind laughter.

Three Year 8 students prepared mini lessons focusing on what our bodies are made of, what happens to our bodies when we laugh and why laughing is healthy.

Their visit was part of a ‘Teaching for Learning’ study, which was run as part of the innovative Deep Learning programme at our secondary school.

Students were given the opportunity to gather subject material, prepare lessons, engage with and share their knowledge with our students.

The Year 8 students came up with engaging and hands on lessons for our Year 3s, linked to their unit of inquiry on humour.

It was a wonderful learning experience for our students. We commend the secondary students on their work and we look forward to further opportunities to work together in this manner.

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