ICHK House Events
ICHK’s first new house events brought the whole school together for a fantastic afternoon of community spirit and fun.
Every student was involved in a range of events, either by taking part, helping to run, acting as referees, or supporting teams.
These included the very popular Dodgeball and ICHK’s own unique College Rules.
Many groups of students joined to play board games and bingo, while others participated in a series of word and number games, designed to put their logical skills to the test.
Students answered fun trivia questions, and there was also a design challenge, with three judges to determine the eventual winner.
Thank you to the SRC members who have been working extremely hard on organising the new events. They faced a number of challenges in the run up to the events, but showed resilience and determination in ensuring the launch went ahead. The ball is now well and truly rolling ...
Points have been distributed to each house, with the results as follows: Ming in the lead with an overwhelming 1125 points. Second is Tang with 730 points, then Song with 680 points.