Drama Spectaculars
Incredible drama productions have been performed at primary and secondary this week.
The classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast was brought to life in spectacular style at our primary school.
Year 6 students staged an end-of-term musical production of the story.
Parents and students were treated to a truly amazing performance of music, drama and dance.
At secondary, the award-winning drama team worked its magic again, leaving audiences spellbound with an amazing production of Space Odyssey.
The annual showcase saw drama, art and media students from Years 7-10 devising and choreographing original, physical, ensemble-based works.
More than 180 students were involved in the visual extravaganza, which included astonishing puppetry and stunning set-installations, all brought alive with soundscapes, multi-media projections, lasers and theatre lighting.
Both productions were simply outstanding, showcasing the many talents of our students.