At ICHK Secondary we have been talking seriously about the harms associated with emerging digital technologies for almost a decade. Our interest in this topic was sparked by our observations of the ways in which a combination of smartphones and social media seemed to be changing the very nature of childhood for a growing number of our students.
At the outset of our journey we found that whilst there were a few books on this topic, the research was inconclusive, and there was little in the way of media coverage. For the most part, the story we were collectively telling ourselves about screens was the same techno-utopian tale that had come pre-packaged with our devices: digital technology, we were told, would connect us to others, spread knowledge, reduce discrimination and create a newer, more equal economy.
This did not seem to align at all with what we were observing in school, and for a long time we have lived with this inconsistency. However, recent months have seen a surge in interest in this area, with a fresh crop of new research findings, books, news articles and parent advocacy groups springing up. Much of what is being reported on today aligns with what we’ve long been saying: that children are best served by real world experiences enjoyed in the company of others, and that focus, well-being and sociability are all harmed by both premature and sustained use of mobile phones and social media.
And so, with much new news to share, it is our aim to offer a little weekly insight for families to read, share and discuss. We’ll begin with a piece on digital fasting, which will follow next week.