International College Hong Kong
Nov 07, 2016

Amazing CAS Week

Secondary students have experienced an amazing range of CAS Week challenges.

Students across the school have stepped out of the classroom, and pushed outside of their comfort zones.

They have experienced rock climbing, hiking, community service, first aid training and work experience in Guilin, Thailand and across Hong Kong.

Creativity, Action and Service are terms taken from the IBO's Diploma programme, and CAS is one of its greatest attractions to universities and employers.

At ICHK, every one of our trips and projects is designed to push students to the limits of their capacities in ways that the regular school experience is not able to do. The '21st century non-cognitive' skills they develop, lead to students standing out when applying to universities.

Over this past week students have engaged in opportunities that allowed them to show initiative, demonstrate perseverance and develop skills such as collaboration, problem solving and decision-making.

These are skills which simply cannot be duplicated in the classroom, and the growth that has taken place in our students’ lives will be carried with them into the future.

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