International College Hong Kong

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  1. Graduation Speech 2024 Articles

    Year 13 Graduation Speech from Karim Chong and Ben Ng

  2. Second Annual Science Fair - Head of School's Address Articles

    Thank you parents, students and staff for attending our second annual Science Fair. My intention over the next five minutes or so is to explain briefly why I believe that this evening’s event is such a significant one in our school’s...

  3. Kathryn Lung Articles

  4. The Ninja Box - Experiential learning in the Human Technologies curriculum at ICHK Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity, Head of Human Technologies at ICHK As a serious student of ‘Creative Thinking’, few things interest me more than the mental state that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi christened...

  5. High-Stakes Mistakes: Adventures in CrowdFunding Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity: Innovation and Teacher of Human Technologies at ICHK While most sensible people welcomed the Christmas Holiday as a chance to relax and unwind, I did the exact opposite and launched a Kickstarter...

  6. Graduation Assembly: Head of School's Address Articles

    Congratulations to the graduating class of 2021. For students to have reached this point in their learning journey is always worthy of celebration – in case you haven’t noticed, you have left school! Yes, that’s it, you’re no longer...

  7. Sport is a great metaphor for life which is why, we believe, it's an invaluable tool for education Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning, Head of PE

  8. Year 10 Internship, Animal Conservation Articles

    Jason, Ian, Kotone, Wayne and Raniya are Year 10 students at ICHK

  9. Physical Education

  10. Outdoor Learning

    ICHK is located in the beautiful New Territories, providing students with unrivalled opportunities for outdoor learning.

  11. Parent Voices

  12. Creating a Culture of Cooperation Articles

    In their review of current best practice in education, as informed by recent research in the learning sciences, the OECD draws this second “transversal conclusion”: Once again, this speaks directly to our 5+1 model, in not just one...

  13. Human Technologies at ICHK Articles

    The second of the OECD’s “transversal conclusions” resonates so strongly with our approaches to education at ICHK that I would like to continue to explore it here in this second part of this piece. In the first part, I...

  14. Teaching Via Storytelling Articles

    Chris Holland is a teacher of Maths at ICHK Secondary. As an engineer, it comes naturally to me to make theory transcend textbooks to real-world connections. Cultivating curiosity can be as simple as crafting an amusing story involving...

  15. Learning In A Real World Context Articles

    Douglas Kidd is Deputy Head of School and Teacher of Human Technologies Human beings evolved to live outdoors, and many of the ways in which we think and sense the world around us are calibrated to the outdoor life.  A good example with...

  16. The Values of Character Education Articles

    Raymond Chan is Head of PE and Activities at ICHK Although there has been renewed interest in Character Education within recent years, it is certainly nothing new.  Aristotle, a major influence on western education from over 2000 years...

  17. The Legacy Challenge Award Articles

    Brendan Lee is a Year 6 Teacher at ICHK Hong Lok Yuen, and runs the Legacy Challenge Award. “It is time to make your mark. Your contribution. It is time to leave a legacy. Your legacy. It’s your time.” James Kerr The Legacy Challenge...

  18. The Non-Mystery of Examination Inflation Articles

    Coming from the UK and working in secondary education, I have grown accustomed to the annual media storm that centers on the release of the IGCSE and A Level results in the late summer. It’s a perennial British pantomime of which,...

  19. The world of work changes. And schools? Articles

    In a recent bulletin I linked to an article in Magenta, with the suggestion that: Those interested in understanding how our world is changing with the development of more sophisticated and pervasive digital technologies might find this...

  20. Complexity for school, and life Articles

    When I came to compose this speech, I found myself drawn back to the entry that I had recently written for this year’s Yearbook. I realise that, at the moment, my thinking is being dominated by the significance of complexity for school...

  21. “Yes, but what are they learning?” Articles

    Occupy a ‘leadership’ position long enough, particularly when working within a relatively high-powered team, and you’ll be asked to undergo some sort of psychometric testing. These come in many guises, so you might find it’s DiSC,...

  22. What is 'The Box'​ we're supposed to be thinking outside of? Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity and Head of Human Technologies at ICHK I used to have a poster on my classroom wall exhorting my students to “Think Outside the Box!” I’ve taken it down and I’m not putting it back...

  23. Abseiling Rope Articles

    ‘How do you teach resilience?”, is a question we often hear. At ICHK, students are carefully prepared for challenges that will push them out of their comfort zones and test their resolve. These challenges may be in a sporting setting, on...

  24. The Shift from Student to Staff Member Articles

    Harry Merrett is an ICT Assistant at ICHK As you go through secondary school, people are going to start telling you about a magical place called university. This applies doubly if you don’t like school very much. They’ll tell you it’s...

  25. Ability, capacity and capability Articles

    Ability, capacity and capability – the difference between them and why, in respect of all three, (most) schools ask and answer the wrong questions. Gathered in the school yard at the heart of the school campus are a class of...

  26. Easter Assembly Address Articles

    Last week I was chatting with a friend about a job interview he had recently been through after applying for a senior position at an international school in eastern Europe. For some employers, job interviews are subject to a kind of arms...

  27. Human Technologies - Metacognition in Action Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity: Innovation and Teacher of Human Technologies at ICHK “I used to think the brain was the most fascinating part of the human body, then I realised…Hey! Look what’s telling me that”! Emo Phillips...

  28. Why not 50+1? Articles

    In September 2015, ICHK Secondary adopted the 5+1 Model. As its name suggests, 5+1 is a way of conceptually modelling students in order to support them better as learners in the school environment. Again, as the name suggests, it has...

  29. Queenie Hon Articles

    Queenie Hon studied Psychology at the University of Bath. She credits many of her achievements to the encouragement and environment she encountered at ICHK.

  30. Jonathan Yim Articles

    Jonathan spent seven years at ICHK and attained a maximum IB score of 45 points.

  31. Julius Wu Articles

  32. End of Term 2 Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    The assembly at the end of Term 2 is always a bittersweet affair. I deliver it knowing that the next time I speak to the whole school community, some of the students who join us this afternoon will have moved on from ICHK Secondary.

  33. End of Year Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    First and foremost, I would like to congratulate everyone in the ICHK community for having made it through to the end of term 3 and the end of the year. It has been an extraordinary 12 months and, I am confident in saying, a year that...

  34. Third Annual Science Fair – Head of School’s Address Articles

    Those of you with long and faultless memories may recall that last year I used the occasion of the Science Fair to reflect on the nature of tradition and to confirm what a privilege it was to be playing a part, if only a presiding one,...

  35. How a more rounded school experience leads to academic accomplishment Articles

    It was a huge pleasure - and felt like a considerable step forward - to welcome Deep Learning back into our students' lives.

  36. An education in being a stronger, better version of yourself. Articles

    An interrupted wet and windy Deep Learning Plus week may have provided some additional logistical challenges to what was already a complex organisational picture, but it also produced a new candidate for my favourite Deep Learning...

  37. Climbing the Barren Rock Articles

    Year 8 students are developing resilience during rock climbing excursions.

  38. End of Term 1 Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    What a pleasure it is to be able to assemble once again in person to mark the end of a challenging but ultimately rewarding term.

  39. Sustainability News Articles

    We are very pleased to announce that ICHK is to join The Alliance of Sustainable Schools.

  40. ICHK EcoWarriors Articles

    We are very proud to present our new EcoWarriors.

  41. Sean McDermott Articles

  42. Jenny Wu Articles

  43. End of Term 2 Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    The assembly at the end of Term 2 is always a bittersweet affair. It is the final occasion on which we share a whole school event with our Year 13 students.

  44. Constraints: Beautiful and Otherwise Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity: Innovation and Teacher of Human Technologies at ICHK

  45. Sustainability Pledges Articles

    Environmental pledges have been made by Year 7 students, in a bid to inspire green action across the school.

  46. Graduation Speech 2023 Articles

    Year 13 Graduation Speech from Mikael Donnet, Charlotte Cheung and Ashley Wan

  47. TASS Charter Articles

    We are very pleased to announce that ICHK has officially joined The Alliance of Sustainable Schools.

  48. End of Term 3 Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    Welcome, one and all, to the end of year assembly 2022-23.

  49. End of Term 1 Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    Seasoned listeners are likely to recognise some of the themes that I am touching on. Indeed, hard-core fans might recall the material I am drawing on from previous Christmas assemblies, because, well, it’s Christmas, and proper...

  50. End of Term Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    Twelve months ago, as I stood behind this lectern, you might remember me saying that of the four whole-school assemblies that we stage each year, it is this one, at the end of Term 2, that is the most bittersweet by far.

  51. The TASS Charter Articles

  52. Graduation Speech : Class of 2024 Articles

    Let me begin by saying congratulations to the class of 2024. You’ve made it through, you’ve reached the end of the road - or this section of it, at least - and you stand on the threshold of whatever is to come, aka the rest of your lives.

  53. Memoirs of an ICHK Teacher Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning and Head of PE.

  54. The project of ICHK, in a nutshell. Articles

    Cambridge Strategies, a research body associated with Cambridge University, included us in their Innovation 800 project, which celebrates 800 years of academic excellence at Cambridge and which identifies global leaders in the field of...

  55. The workplace is changing fast - this is how and why Articles

    Sean McDermott is Deputy Head of School at ICHK and writes for The Future Learning Project One of the key reasons why The Future Learning Project exists is because of the gap between how rapidly the world is changing when compared with...

  56. We Can’t Go Back Now Articles

    Guy Traittel is a Year 7 student

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