International College Hong Kong

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Search results for "[Mở ÛŘÎ◠vn68⒏net◠tặng 888k] Link Tại b thể thao Ios : b thể thao Pro Play - BTY128"

  1. The workplace is changing fast - this is how and why Articles

    Sean McDermott is Deputy Head of School at ICHK and writes for The Future Learning Project One of the key reasons why The Future Learning Project exists is because of the gap between how rapidly the world is changing when compared with...

  2. The Chinese Written Language and its Capacity to Communicate Wisdom across the Centuries ...and the Challenges Faced in Translation Articles

    Jon Rees is a Teacher of English and Theory of Knowledge at ICHK.

  3. Curriculum

    Deep, meaningful learning occurs where the best possible teachers and passionate students meet as partners in education.

  4. Academic Results

  5. Top Ten Tips for Teaching in a Crisis Articles

    Douglas Kidd is Director of Out of Class and Experiential Education at ICHK. Introduction These ideas are offered as the result of our experience in International College Hong Kong, a private not-for-profit secondary school. Hong Kong...

  6. Information Technology

  7. Individual Differences and the Learning Environment Articles

    Perhaps the most effective way of exploring how ICHK aligns with the fourth of OECD’s transversal conclusions is to step outside of the South East Asian educational environment for a moment and to invoke the principles that have...

  8. Our Story

    At ICHK learning is at the heart of everything we do: students, staff, parents, collectively learning together.

  9. Wisdom and Schooling Articles

    Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? From “The Rock” by TS Eliot Reflect for a moment on this entry from Wikipedia: “Homo sapiens...

  10. Free Learning

    A pedagogical approach where students chart their own learning through a varied map of challenges and experiences.

  11. End of Term 1 Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    Seasoned listeners are likely to recognise some of the themes that I am touching on. Indeed, hard-core fans might recall the material I am drawing on from previous Christmas assemblies, because, well, it’s Christmas, and proper...

  12. Beyond the Curriculum

    Our Curriculum X Activities Programme.

  13. Sport is a great metaphor for life which is why, we believe, it's an invaluable tool for education Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning, Head of PE

  14. Innovation

    ICHK is a community of innovation, which is attracting global attention for its cutting edge approaches to learning. Over recent years we have seen a rapid increase in international interest in our innovations, programmes and curricula.

  15. The world of work changes. And schools? Articles

    In a recent bulletin I linked to an article in Magenta, with the suggestion that: Those interested in understanding how our world is changing with the development of more sophisticated and pervasive digital technologies might find this...

  16. The project of ICHK, in a nutshell. Articles

    Cambridge Strategies, a research body associated with Cambridge University, included us in their Innovation 800 project, which celebrates 800 years of academic excellence at Cambridge and which identifies global leaders in the field of...

  17. Year 10 Internship, Animal Conservation Articles

    Jason, Ian, Kotone, Wayne and Raniya are Year 10 students at ICHK

  18. Memoirs of an ICHK Teacher Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning and Head of PE.

  19. Deep Learning at ICHK Articles

    Ray Chan is Head of PE, Activities & Deep Learning at ICHK As I reflect upon the year, my mind naturally tends towards the Deep Learning programme that we have initiated this year.  As the coordinator of this programme, I feel...

  20. Can We Stop Software From Eating School? Articles

    Ross Parker is Director of Technology and Assessment at ICHK In 2011, Marc Andreessen, venture capitalist and co-founder of the venerable Netscape, observed that “software is eating the world”. His observation was intended to reflect the...

  21. The Arts (Art, Drama, Music, Media)

  22. Partnerships

    ICHK is very proud of its strong educational partnerships.

  23. Creating a Culture of Cooperation Articles

    In their review of current best practice in education, as informed by recent research in the learning sciences, the OECD draws this second “transversal conclusion”: Once again, this speaks directly to our 5+1 model, in not just one...

  24. Outdoor Learning

    ICHK is located in the beautiful New Territories, providing students with unrivalled opportunities for outdoor learning.

  25. Wellbeing & Community

    At ICHK student well-being is at the very centre of school life.

  26. Board of Governors

  27. Teaching Via Storytelling Articles

    Chris Holland is a teacher of Maths at ICHK Secondary. As an engineer, it comes naturally to me to make theory transcend textbooks to real-world connections. Cultivating curiosity can be as simple as crafting an amusing story involving...

  28. Escaping The Factory School Articles

    There are a number of well-established, even taken-for granted, features of school structure and organisation that seriously hold back education, particularly at secondary level. In each case, they are quite clearly inadequate, even...

  29. Banned Books Articles

    Jon Rees is a Teacher of English at ICHK It’s strange to think that the book you hold in your hand could be deemed so explosive that both the writer and the reader could be thrown into jail for its possession. Some of the most...

  30. Human Technologies

    Developed at ICHK, Human Technologies offers students a toolkit for becoming better human beings in an ever-changing world.

  31. Enrichment & Flow

    An ICHK innovation, designed to help students discover more about themselves as learners.

  32. PROJECT G Articles

    Gemma Ball is a Year 9 student at ICHK. ICHK is a hidden gem of a school, tucked away near the border, and being so far away from the ruckus of Hong Kong Island, we have beautiful green trees and hills surrounding our school. As a...

  33. Making school fit for its 21st century purpose Articles

    Toby Newton is Head of School at ICHK. This was his greeting to the ICHK community in the Winter newsletter. The year started with the news that we have been included in Cambridge University’s list of the 100 most innovative schools...

  34. Kingston Chinese Programme Articles

    We are delighted to officially announce our new Kingston Chinese Programme. This innovative and unique new curriculum will be launched next year, providing an additional pathway to our existing languages programme. It is being generously...

  35. High-Stakes Mistakes: Adventures in CrowdFunding Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity: Innovation and Teacher of Human Technologies at ICHK While most sensible people welcomed the Christmas Holiday as a chance to relax and unwind, I did the exact opposite and launched a Kickstarter...

  36. Learning through observation and pitching in Articles

    A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the power of habit in our lives, and the difficulty we face in trying to change habits once they have become firmly embedded in thought and action. Picking up good habits and dropping bad ones should...

  37. ICHK Earth Week Articles

    Jon Rees is Sustainability Coordinator and a Teacher of English and Theory of Knowledge at ICHK

  38. Human Technologies at ICHK Articles

    The second of the OECD’s “transversal conclusions” resonates so strongly with our approaches to education at ICHK that I would like to continue to explore it here in this second part of this piece. In the first part, I...

  39. Parent Voices

  40. Admissions Info

  41. Ability, capacity and capability Articles

    Ability, capacity and capability – the difference between them and why, in respect of all three, (most) schools ask and answer the wrong questions. Gathered in the school yard at the heart of the school campus are a class of...

  42. Christmas Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    High on any list of the unhelpful things that people say about school must surely be the comment that the purpose of school is to prepare students for real life. This gives a fatally false impression and misunderstands the way that human...

  43. Singapore Touch Rugby Tour 2018 Articles

    Charmaine Pilard and Rochelle Lok are Year 9 students

  44. The Non-Mystery of Examination Inflation Articles

    Coming from the UK and working in secondary education, I have grown accustomed to the annual media storm that centers on the release of the IGCSE and A Level results in the late summer. It’s a perennial British pantomime of which,...

  45. Tree Plantation Project Articles

    Year 9 students are helping with a tree planting project along the Nam Chung Country Trail.

  46. Why and how we promote sport at ICHK Articles

    One of the advantages of being a small school is that all our students have a real opportunity to take part in the full range of sporting activities that a school has to offer.  A good number of our students will have been on teams...

  47. Why and how we promote sport at ICHK Articles

    Toby Newton is Head of School at ICHK One of the advantages of being a small school is that all our students have a real opportunity to take part in the full range of sporting activities that a school has to offer. A good number of our...

  48. The good enough school and the good enough student Articles

    The ‘good enough’ school is a primary school and not a secondary school; while the good enough student is a secondary student and not a primary student. Embedded in this only apparently gnomic statement is a vital lesson in how to...

  49. Kingston Chinese Programme Articles

    Strong progress continues with our innovative Kingston Chinese Programme. A total of 13 students joined in Year 7 this year. Year 8 and 9 students continue to make good progress, and are learning well through a well-balanced combination...

  50. The ICHK Pin Articles

    To provide a fitting education, one that equips students for what lies ahead, schools must remain constantly alert to changes in the world at large.

  51. What is 'The Box'​ we're supposed to be thinking outside of? Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity and Head of Human Technologies at ICHK I used to have a poster on my classroom wall exhorting my students to “Think Outside the Box!” I’ve taken it down and I’m not putting it back...

  52. Active Engagement and the Curriculum Articles

    In their review of the lessons that should be drawn from latest research in the learning sciences, the OECD list seven “transversal” conclusions that, they insist, should be the hallmark of the 21st century learning environment, but...

  53. Social Career Project Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK has been chosen to pilot an innovative volunteer project. The secondary is one of just six Hong Kong international schools to be running the Social programme. This is a pioneering...

  54. The Role of Emotions in Learning Articles

    The third transversal conclusion drawn by the OECD speaks directly to the wealth of research that confirms that learning results from the dynamic interplay of emotions and cognition. Indeed, to one extent or another, emotions are always...

  55. Yong Zhao Endorses ICHK Programme Articles

    We are delighted to share an endorsement of ICHK’s innovative Free Learning programme by world renowned educationist Yong Zhao. He has written the foreword for the new book, Free Learning: A Student-Directed Pedagogy in Asia & Beyond,...

  56. ICHK EcoWarriors Articles

    We are very proud to present our new EcoWarriors.

  57. Production Rehearsals Articles

    Work on ICHK’s annual school production is underway.

  58. Volleyball Triple Champions Articles

    Our U14 Volleyball boys won their championship this week, joining the U16s and U20s in a triple victory.

  59. Charlotte Lam Articles

  60. Approaches to Learning Articles

    Relationships are the cornerstone of performance at school. They will look different in every instance, because, as we well know from daily experience, the ‘chemistry’ between individuals is always subject to many diverse...

  61. End of Term 2 Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    The assembly at the end of Term 2 is always a bittersweet affair. I deliver it knowing that the next time I speak to the whole school community, some of the students who join us this afternoon will have moved on from ICHK Secondary.

  62. Free Learning Expansion Articles

    ICHK’s Free Learning programme continues to spread across the world.

  63. End of Term 3 Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    Let me start with a quote. This quote, I know, is one of Mr Parker’s favourites. It’s a good quote and, like pretty much any good quote, is the tip of an iceberg.

  64. Graduation Assembly: Head of School's Address Articles

    Congratulations to the graduating class of 2021. For students to have reached this point in their learning journey is always worthy of celebration – in case you haven’t noticed, you have left school! Yes, that’s it, you’re no longer...

  65. The Values of Character Education Articles

    Raymond Chan is Head of PE and Activities at ICHK Although there has been renewed interest in Character Education within recent years, it is certainly nothing new.  Aristotle, a major influence on western education from over 2000 years...

  66. Health and Enrichment and Flow Articles

    Toby Newton is Head of School and Ross Parker is Director of Technology and Assessment at ICHK

  67. Starling Inlet Project Underway Articles

    ICHK’s unique citizen science project is officially underway.

  68. Volleyball Champions Articles

    Our volleyball players are celebrating an incredible week. Our U16 Boys Volleyball players were named champions in the ISSFHK League. They beat Australian International School 2-0 and then the host team Singapore International School...

  69. PhD Research at ICHK Articles

    ICHK’s Human Technologies programme is to form the centre of a PhD research project at University College London. Education University of Hong Kong lecturer Elke Van dermijnsbrugge has received approval for the research proposal, which...

  70. Touch Rugby Articles

    The ICHK U14s girls touch squad played some amazing rugby at the Pan Pacific All Schools Touch Tournament in Singapore. Our Year 12 coaches have been training with the 21-strong team for the past few months, bringing novices and...

  71. A Human Technologies Insight into U14 Girls Football Articles

    Jon Rees, along with his other roles at ICHK, coaches the U14 girls football team.

  72. ICHK Named in New Book Articles

    We are very pleased that ICHK has been named in a recent book by an eminent professor of education.

  73. Languages

  74. The Key Is Motivation Articles

    Ross Parker is Technology Director, and teachs ICT, at ICHK HLY & Secondary. For those of us who received our formal education in the last millennium, we will most likely recall learning that was highly structured and prescribed....

  75. Tree Bathing: a human technology Articles

    One of the advantages of ICHK’s Human Technologies approach is that it finds a proper place in school for many activities that the mainstream curriculum neglects or ignores. HT suggests that we can support our growth and sense of...

  76. Ignorance and Want: How they can be combated by a reconfiguration of school Articles

    As a child, I did what I imagine many children do at Christmas or during similar festivals that come to represent an opportunity for magic in their lives. I invented traditions. Tradition is a marvelous technology for intensifying...

  77. Graduation Speech 2023 Articles

    Year 13 Graduation Speech from Mikael Donnet, Charlotte Cheung and Ashley Wan

  78. ICHK Documentary Launched Articles

    An amazing documentary film created by ICHK students has been launched by Wildstars TV. The ‘Save Agar Trees’ production was researched, filmed and edited by Log C Cheng, Liz Onuselogu and Naiara Gómez Guitérrez during CAS+ Week. The...

  79. Ultimate Frisbee Articles

    ICHK is joining the ISSFHK ultimate (frisbee) league for the first time.

  80. Free Learning University Project Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK secondary’s ground-breaking Free Learning programme has been chosen as the focus of a university research project. Elke Van dermijnsbrugge, a lecturer at the Education University of Hong Kong, is...

  81. Sean McDermott Articles

  82. CIS Accreditation Articles

    We are delighted that ICHK has been awarded International Re-Accreditation from the Council of International Schools.

  83. Touch Rugby Success Articles

    Congratulations to ICHK’s touch rugby teams, who collected two silvers and a bronze medal in the playoff finals of the ISSFHK Touch League. For the first time we saw all four of our teams reach the semi final stage with our two senior...

  84. The Neverheard Beforechestra Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity and Head of Human Technologies at ICHK The thing I appreciate most about working at ICHK is the uncommon attitude to risk-taking, experimentation, and the very real possibility of failure in the...

  85. ICHK becomes a pilot Mastery Transcript school Articles

    The Mastery Transcript journey is underway for our senior students, with ICHK one of only five schools in the world to offer the qualification. We are very proud to unveil the new curriculum strand, as we push forward the boundaries of...

  86. The ICHK QR Trail Articles

    A new QR trail for the trees and plants around ICHK is being developed as part of our innovative outdoor learning programme. Our outdoor education team has been working on the project over recent weeks, with all codes linking to a...

  87. The Social Dilemma Articles

    Jon Rees is Head of Year 12 / 13 and a Teacher of English In Y12, Theory of Knowledge students have been investigating the core theme: Knowledge and the Knower in connection with Knowledge and Technology. Plato’s Cave Allegory pointed...

  88. How a more rounded school experience leads to academic accomplishment Articles

    It was a huge pleasure - and felt like a considerable step forward - to welcome Deep Learning back into our students' lives.

  89. Creating the conditions for long term success Articles

    Sean McDermott is Deputy Head of School at ICHK

  90. Student Agency and Self-Empowerment Articles

    I must have blinked. Surely it was only a moment ago that we were gathered here, to wish last year’s graduates the best of luck and bon voyage. They say it’s a function of getting older that time speeds up and years flash by. I remember...

  91. Year 6 Rite of Passage Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning, Head of PE & Activities at ICHK. Following on from Ross Parker’s previous post on the Art of Growing Up, I am pleased to report that The Making of Men and the work of Dr...

  92. Regeneration Work Articles

    Year 9 students are helping with the regeneration of abandoned villages in the Plover Cove Country Park.

  93. Shredding school Articles

    Ben Blain is Head of Year 7 and Teacher of Physical Education at ICHK Any parent who has sent their child on ICHK’s annual Snowsports trip will have become used to receiving the nightly email telling the story of each day. Among...

  94. Touch Rugby Success Articles

    Congratulations to our senior touch rugby team, the Egrets, on winning the division 2 championship. After a rocky start to the summer league, the team, which is made up of students and staff members, made huge improvements. Facing some...

  95. Deep Learning

    Deep Learning is a pioneering study programme, designed to encourage independence, motivation, enjoyment and depth in student learning.

  96. 5+1 Model

    The 5+1 Model, lies at the heart of learning innovation at ICHK. The sections below outline the different elements of the model.

  97. Transitions

    The ICHK Transitions course is an innovative programme which supports Year 7 students with their move to secondary school.

  98. New Deep Learning Programme Articles

    Another varied and inspiring Deep Learning study programme is underway. Day 1 of this term’s programme saw students engaged in a wide range of new and creative study experiences. They began studies into bread-making, bamboo creativity,...

  99. Citizen Science Project Articles

    A major project to create a citizen science database about the Starling Inlet is to be launched at school.

  100. Nicolas Arriaga Articles

  101. Graduation Speech : Class of 2024 Articles

    Let me begin by saying congratulations to the class of 2024. You’ve made it through, you’ve reached the end of the road - or this section of it, at least - and you stand on the threshold of whatever is to come, aka the rest of your lives.

  102. Science Projects Showcased Articles

    Well done to our Year 12 students, who this week showcased their completed Group 4 projects. The collaborative projects were centred on the theme ‘life around ICHK.’ All IB students participate in a Group 4 project at some...

  103. Bamboo Gym Articles

    Bamboo creativity is one of the unique and creative study experiences which make up our Deep Learning programme. Students learn about sustainability and use their imagination to create a variety of bamboo structures. They are given the...

  104. Outdoor Leadership Awards Articles

    We are delighted to award ICHK’s inaugural Outdoor Leadership Certificates. This exciting initiative has been developed at school over the past year and recognises students for their outstanding work in outdoor education. We are pushing...

  105. The Ninja Box - Experiential learning in the Human Technologies curriculum at ICHK Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity, Head of Human Technologies at ICHK As a serious student of ‘Creative Thinking’, few things interest me more than the mental state that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi christened...

  106. Science Research Project Articles

    A major research project has been completed by senior students at ICHK, as part of a global education initiative around the climate emergency. A group of Year 13 students spent the summer working on a research paper, which will now be...

  107. Internship Programme Articles

    Our new internship programme for Year 10 students has begun.

  108. Internship Programme Continues Articles

    Our internship programme continues to provide strong learning experiences for Year 10 students.

  109. Junior Achievement Team Articles

    Well done luck to our Junior Achievement team S-Mug Bag, who took part in a special pop up market.

  110. ICHK Internship Programme Articles

    The first ever ICHK internship programme has been a great success.

  111. An education in being a stronger, better version of yourself. Articles

    An interrupted wet and windy Deep Learning Plus week may have provided some additional logistical challenges to what was already a complex organisational picture, but it also produced a new candidate for my favourite Deep Learning...

  112. Constraints: Beautiful and Otherwise Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity: Innovation and Teacher of Human Technologies at ICHK

  113. End of Term 3 Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    Welcome, one and all, to the end of year assembly 2022-23.

  114. Year 7 Induction Articles

    We were delighted to welcome the newest members of the ICHK community to school.

  115. Sustainability at ICHK Articles

    Jon Rees is Sustainability Coordinator at ICHK

  116. Touch Rugby Champions Articles

    ICHK was named overall grand champion for the second year running and for the fourth time in the school's history at the HK Schools Touch Championships.

  117. Physical Education

  118. China Exchange Programme Articles

    ICHK’s annual exchange programme has been underway this week. Students and staff made a return visit to Nengren Middle School in Jiangsu Province, where they were immersed in Chinese language and culture. They enjoyed a tremendous week,...

  119. Exchange programme success Articles

    Another successful exchange programme has been hosted at ICHK. We have been delighted to welcome students from Nengren Middle School in Jiangsu Province to our school this past week. The focus has been on language immersion and cultural...

  120. Exchange Programme Articles

    Another hugely successful exchange programme has just come to an end at ICHK. We have been delighted to host a group of students from Nengren Middle School in Jiangsu Province to our secondary school over the past week. A packed...

  121. Human Technologies Expansion Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK’s pioneering Human Technologies curriculum is to be shared in Australia. Kirwan State High School in Queensland has adopted the programme after school leaders were so impressed by the insights it...

  122. The art of growing up Articles

    Ross Parker is Director of Technology, Pedagogy & Assessment at ICHK The process of becoming an adult is one of life’s main preoccupations: it takes a long time, and requires the investment of a considerable amount of personal,...

  123. Kingston Chinese Programme Update Articles

    Strong progress continues with our Kingston Chinese Programme.

  124. Lost at Sea Production Articles

    ICHK’s award-winning drama team has worked its magic again, leaving audiences spellbound with its amazing production of ‘Lost at Sea’.

  125. Cambridge Strategies Articles

    ICHK is delighted to be named one of Cambridge University’s 100 most innovative schools in the world. The prestigious University’s research wing, Cambridge Strategies, has included us in its 2017 list of pioneering global schools....

  126. Junior Achievement Club Articles

    ICHK students have become young entrepreneurs and launched their own small business.

  127. Flexible Learning

    Flexible Learning is an innovative new learning programme, born of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  128. Year 9 Wild Nights Out Articles

    Year 9 students are being introduced to the Outdoor Leader programme, in a series of ‘Wild Night Out’ camps.

  129. Guy Claxton Book Articles

  130. Human Technologies Venn Diagram Articles

    A ‘technology’ can be a new object, replete with flashing lights, a keyboard and a screen, but it doesn’t have to be. At ICHK the definition of ‘technology’ is broader and deeper than that. While tangible technologies (e.g.The iPhone X,...

  131. “Yes, but what are they learning?” Articles

    Occupy a ‘leadership’ position long enough, particularly when working within a relatively high-powered team, and you’ll be asked to undergo some sort of psychometric testing. These come in many guises, so you might find it’s DiSC,...

  132. Volleyball Articles

    Our U16 and U14 boys volleyball teams have played their first matches in two years. The boys finally had the chance to test their skills and play in a competitive setting, after working hard in training and showing commitment to their...

  133. Science Research Articles

    Senior students have been working with research scientists as part of a pioneering science initiative.

  134. Internships Completed Articles

    The second ICHK internship programme has been successfully completed.

  135. Sustainability

  136. Exchange Programme Success Articles

    An incredible week of learning has been enjoyed as part of ICHK’s annual exchange programme. Students and staff visited Nengren Middle School in Jiangsu Province, where they were immersed in Chinese language and culture. They enjoyed a...

  137. Deep Learning is Underway Articles

    The latest round of ICHK’s pioneering Deep Learning programme is underway. An incredible series of new and creative learning experiences was launched today. Students are learning about artificial intelligence, the Hong Kong coastline,...

  138. Egrets Touch Vest Articles

    This kit was first designed in 2013 in conjunction with the student players and has been the uniform worn by most senior Touch Rugby players at ICHK ever since. The Egret was suggested as a mascot due to the many Egrets that can be...

  139. How a Growth Mindset Helped to conquer the sport of polo Articles

    Jon Rees is a teacher of English, Human Technologies and Theory of Knowledge at ICHK In the last 11 months, Jon Rees took up the challenge of learning to ride a horse so that he could participate in the first ever Hong Kong Polo...

  140. Courage in the Learning Zone Articles

    In this post, I would like to discuss the thinking behind the second of our termly awards: Courage in the Learning Zone.

  141. End of Term 2 Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    The assembly at the end of Term 2 is always a bittersweet affair. It is the final occasion on which we share a whole school event with our Year 13 students.

  142. Starling Inlet Project Articles

    ICHK’s unique citizen science project took a step forward this week.

  143. Junior Achievement Company Articles

    Young entrepreneurs from ICHK have been inspecting production samples for their company.

  144. Exchange Programme Underway Articles

    ICHK’s annual exchange programme is underway.

  145. +1 Centre

  146. Student Achievement, Adaptive Expertise and the 5+1 Model Articles

    Since 2013, we have adopted what we call the 5+1 Model at ICHK. Based on the insights of five thinkers working in education and beyond, but taking its inspiration more widely, the 5+1 Model gives guidance to our teachers about how best...

  147. Exchange Students Visit ICHK Articles

    ICHK’s annual exchange programme is underway. A group of students and students from Nengren Middle School in Jiangsu Province is visiting us this week. A packed programme of excursions and activities has been laid on, with the focus on...

  148. Induction to Year 7 Articles

    A very successful Induction Programme has been completed by our new students. Our new Year 7s proved to be great listeners, patient with one another and growth orientated. The programme offered the perfect opportunity for our Year 7 ...

  149. PhD into Human Technologies Articles

    A pioneering PhD research programme into ICHK’s Human Technologies programme is officially underway at school. Education University of Hong Kong lecturer Elke Van dermijnsbrugge is spending one day a week at ICHK, gaining a deeper...

  150. Learning in Cambodia Articles

    Our Cambodia CAS+ Week trip provided life changing experiences for our students and for the local people they were working with during the week. Our group spent the week in Siem Reap province, one of the poorest areas of the world,...

  151. Global Warming Exhibition Articles

    A wonderful showcase of scientific learning was displayed at school. Year 8 students staged mini global warming exhibitions as part of a project on their current unit of Heat. They investigated the environmental impacts of global warming...

  152. Approaches to Learning Articles

    ICHK’s latest Approaches to Learning have been released to students and parents.

  153. Full Circle Mentoring Scheme Articles

    A mentoring programme for girls in Year 7 is underway.

  154. Second Annual Science Fair - Head of School's Address Articles

    Thank you parents, students and staff for attending our second annual Science Fair. My intention over the next five minutes or so is to explain briefly why I believe that this evening’s event is such a significant one in our school’s...

  155. Outdoor Leader Personal Projects Articles

    As part of their Outdoor Leader Certificate, the outdoor leaders have been working on their end of term personal projects.

  156. Internship Programme Gets Underway Articles

    Our internship programme for Year 10 students has begun.

  157. Earth Week Articles

    A week long programme of events and activities has been held at school, in honour of Earth Week.

  158. The Complexity of Learning Articles

    As part of my role as Head of School, I intend to get into the habit of writing occasional but regular blogs that provide the community with a chance to connect with the thinking behind the ways in which we approach schooling at ICHK....

  159. The Legacy Challenge Award Articles

    Brendan Lee is a Year 6 Teacher at ICHK Hong Lok Yuen, and runs the Legacy Challenge Award. “It is time to make your mark. Your contribution. It is time to leave a legacy. Your legacy. It’s your time.” James Kerr The Legacy Challenge...

  160. Why not 50+1? Articles

    In September 2015, ICHK Secondary adopted the 5+1 Model. As its name suggests, 5+1 is a way of conceptually modelling students in order to support them better as learners in the school environment. Again, as the name suggests, it has...

  161. Graduation Speech: Class of 2022 Articles

    Class of 2022, I am genuinely delighted to be able to join you for this occasion.

  162. Tensho Miyoshi Articles

  163. A Growth Mindset and why it is chosen for special focus and reward at ICHK Articles

    As we approach the end of term, teachers are once again being invited to nominate their candidates for our three termly awards: Growth Mindset, Courage in the Learning Zone, and Support of Peers.

  164. ICHK Shortlisted for Tes Award Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK has been shortlisted for the first ever Tes Awards for International Schools.

  165. Round 4 of Deep Learning Articles

    An amazing round of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by students.

  166. Free Learning Expands Articles

    ICHK’s Free Learning programme has been rolled out to a group of trainee teachers at the Education University of Hong Kong. The programme has been the focus of a university research project over the past year. EdUHK Lecturer Elke Van...

  167. Caelan Hermans Articles

  168. Spanish Role Play Awards Articles

    It has been a very successful half term for students of Spanish.

  169. Year 9 Consultancy Articles

    ICT students are acting as real life consultants under a pioneering new study unit. Year 9 students are turning their classroom learning into real world experience, by pitching their ICT skills to a client looking to make better use of...

  170. The Dream Catchers Articles

    Drama students left an audience of parents spellbound, with their amazing production of ‘The Dream Catchers’.

  171. Social Media Articles

    Before most of our children were born, back in the days of Friendster, My Space and early Facebook, social media offered a welcome solution to a straightforward problem: staying in touch with people across time and space.

  172. Guiding Statements

    At ICHK learning is at the heart of everything we do: students, teachers, administrators, leaders, individually and collectively learning together.

  173. Students Achieve World Rugby Honours Articles

    Two ICHK students are celebrating world rugby success. Kelsie Bouttle and Clare Coey were part of the winning team at the inaugural Asia Rugby U18 Girls Sevens Championship in Dubai. Teams from all over Asia including Kazakhstan, UAE and...

  174. Outdoor Leadership at ICHK Articles

    We are looking forward to launching Level 2 of our pioneering Outdoor Leadership Award this year. This unique initiative has been developed at school over the past eighteen months and recognises students for their outstanding work in...

  175. Adventures in Guilin Articles

    A fantastic ‘Guilin Adventure’ was enjoyed by students as part of our pioneering Deep Learning programme. A group travelled to the scenic Chinese region which is famed for its dramatic landscapes and idyllic countryside. They enjoyed...

  176. China Exchange Programme Success Articles

    An incredible week of learning has been enjoyed as part of ICHK’s exchange programme.

  177. Basketball Champions Articles

    Congratulations to our U14 boys basketball team, who have been crowned champions.

  178. Touch Rugby Championship Success Articles

    Our sporting teams are celebrating championship success.

  179. Maths

  180. Language Exchange Underway Articles

    ICHK’s annual exchange programme is underway. Students and staff have travelled to Nengren Middle School in Jiangsu Province, where they will spend the week immersed in Chinese language and culture. They will take part in many different...

  181. Drama Spectaculars Articles

    Incredible drama productions have been performed at primary and secondary this week. The classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast was brought to life in spectacular style at our primary school. Year 6 students staged an end-of-term...

  182. University Preparation Articles

    A University preparation programme is underway for our Year 13s, as they look ahead to the next stage in their lives. ICHK’s graduating students will be taking up places at universities around the world after the summer, and are...

  183. Human Technologies Learning Articles

    Year 7s have been developing their teamwork and communication skills through our groundbreaking Human Technologies curriculum. They have been working together to build shelters, showing creativity, learning how to solve problems, showing...

  184. Year 11 Address Articles

    Year 11 students of 2022, I would like to start by saying how delighted I am to be here this evening. From the day you joined ICHK, way back in the dim and distant days of 2017, you have been a truly outstanding group of learners.

  185. Science Paper Articles

    In 2021 senior students from ICHK had a research paper published in academia.

  186. Junior Achievement Mugs Articles

    At ICHK, we know that change in the world is constant and accelerating. We know that students need a new and wider set of skills if they are to meet the challenges that await: that, in an information and ideas based economy, it is...

  187. Museum Visit Articles

    Students of Chinese have been learning about art, culture and treasures at the Hong Kong Palace Museum.

  188. Drama Matters Articles

    We are pleased to share an article about ICHK's Arts Carousel from our Director of Creativity and Head of Performing and Visual Arts Liam Greenall.

  189. Work Continues at Starling Inlet Articles

    Work has been underway on our unique citizen science project.

  190. An Inspirational Presentation Articles

    International rugby player Luke Treharne delivered an inspirational talk to students this week.

  191. Scholarship Policy

  192. International Schools Survey Articles

    We are delighted to report that ICHK has scored exceptionally well in the International Schools Survey 2016. Parents at 53 schools across Hong Kong were asked for their opinions and their overall satisfaction of International Schools....

  193. Sanika Kulkarni Articles

    Sanika Kulkarni says the wealth of experiences she was exposed to at ICHK have given her the confidence to embrace new challenges.

  194. Outdoor Education Articles

    New outdoor education programmes are being put together for students when they return to campus.

  195. Learning Resources Articles

    New and creative learning resources will soon be mailed to every family in the ICHK community.

  196. Jon Rees Articles

  197. Sharing our Outdoor Learning Expertise Articles

    ICHK's approaches to outdoor learning have been shared with educators from across the region.

  198. Our Teachers

    “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

  199. History of ICHK

    A brief look into the history of our school.

  200. Drama Partnership Articles

    We are pleased to announce details of a new drama partnership with ICHK Secondary. Head of Visual and Performing Arts Liam Greenall is working with our Year 5 students on a six week Drama Exploration programme. He is spending time with...

  201. Rite of Passage Articles

    A wonderful rite of passage has been marked by Year 6 students. They completed a 20km hike from primary to secondary, camping overnight, before being applauded into the afternoon assembly at our secondary school. It was a symbolic...

  202. Champions Banner Articles

    Volleyball at ICHK is a huge success story. In 2019, our U16 Boys Volleyball players were named champions in the ISSFHK League. This achievement, already significant for a small school, was all the more remarkable because the players had...

  203. School Rules Articles

    The school “rules” at ICHK Secondary are simple – work hard and be nice. These five words are at the heart of everything we do, with all students encouraged to work hard at being who they want to be. This approach links to...

  204. Growth of the Mastery Transcript Articles

    We are very pleased to share news about the global growth of the Mastery Transcript over the past year. Eleven schools sent Mastery Transcripts to college admission offices in 2020-2021, and more than 160 colleges have offered admission...

  205. Rite of Passage Articles

    A wonderful rite of passage has been marked by Year 9 students. A day of adventure and celebration was staged as part of a symbolic journey into Year 10. The event, planned by outdoor educator David Addis, included a series of challenges...

  206. Transitioning into Secondary School Articles

    Year 7 students have begun their training to become ‘happy, confident, intelligent warriors’, as part of their Transitions course.

  207. Spanish Role Plays Articles

    Year 7 students are working on their first Spanish role plays.

  208. ICHK Makes the News Articles

    ICHK is hitting the headlines again.

  209. Sports Day Message Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning and Head of PE at ICHK.

  210. Learning Support

    ICHK is committed to inclusive education, and an ethos that insists that all children are worthy and deserving of the best possible education.

  211. Deep Learning Articles

    ICHK’s pioneering Deep Learning is officially underway. After a successful pilot last term, students are now fully engaged in the study programme, which is aimed at encouraging independence, motivation, enjoyment and depth in learning....

  212. Judo Progress Articles

    Great progress is being reported at our weekly after school girls’ judo class. Instructor Shelley Bouttle is working with the group, teaching basic moves and techniques. Judo is an excellent sport for confidence, self-discipline...

  213. Human Technologies and Sustainability Articles

    Human Technologies students have been constructing water filter prototypes, as ICHK looks to harness rain water to become a more sustainable school. Our innovative HT curriculum is one of the programmes which led to recognition from...

  214. Students Lead Clean Up Articles

    Students have embarked on a major clean-up project, to help restore a typhoon hit area near our secondary school. Our cycling and Project G activity groups are helping to clear plastic waste which swept in during last year’s Typhoon...

  215. Precious Plastic Workplace Project Articles

    Year 12 students are behind a  new recycling scheme at ICHK. A group are working on the ‘Precious Plastic Workplace’ as part of their CAS projects. The students are behind a plan to invest in machinery, which will help with our...

  216. Touch Rugby Tournament Articles

    The ICHK Dynasty Touch Rugby Competition was a huge success.

  217. Wildlife Work Articles

    Students have been working to improve the school garden and support more wildlife.

  218. Language Exchange Programme Articles

    The ICHK Exchange is to return this year.

  219. The ICHK Production Returns Articles

    We are delighted that ICHK’s annual school production is making a return.

  220. Accreditation & Recognition

  221. The Human Technologies Test Articles

    Those familiar with ICHK know that Human Technologies is a programme of study that we have developed over the past five years and which students from Year 7 to 10 follow each week. The course teaches that what makes humans so effective...

  222. Maker Nights Articles

    Family maker nights at ICHK Hong Lok Yuen are proving a huge success. Students and parents from our primary and secondary schools, are taking part in evenings of coding, making, tinkering and problem solving. The events have been...

  223. A mesocosm study at ICHK Articles

    Jamie Holden is a Teacher of Maths at ICHK If you happen to visit ICHK and climb to the top of C block to visit c307, you may be lucky enough to see two things. The first is the amazing view over Starling Inlet, a view unique to ICHK....

  224. Deep Learning Articles

    Another amazing day of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by ICHK secondary students. They made their way around Hong Kong for the second day of the innovative programme. They travelled to sites of historical and cultural interest, navigated...

  225. Deep Learning Continues Articles

    Another amazing day of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by students . Day 2 of the trailblazing programme extended learning beyond the classroom. Students continued their studies into bread-making, bamboo creativity, sewing and the history...

  226. New Partnership Signed Articles

    A new agreement has been signed with the primary partner schools of ICHK, ensuring the long term security of a through-train education for those with children of primary age. The new partnership guarantees places for students from ICHK...

  227. Classroom Graffiti Art Articles

    The very first classroom graffiti art appeared in Room C108, just a couple of years after ICHK opened. Director of Technology Ross Parker approached two Art students to help with a spray painting project he envisioned for his classroom....

  228. Deep Learning Showcase Articles

    ICHK’s pioneering Deep Learning programme is to be showcased at a flagship educational conference. Director of Creativity: Deep Learning and Head of PE Raymond Chan will be presenting at the 21CLHK/GELS online conference. He will be...

  229. Chinese New Year Fun Articles

    Students across the school are taking part in Chinese New Year Challenges. A special programme has been put together by the SRC, providing students with a range of fun activities and opportunities to express themselves. The challenges...

  230. Human Technologies Learning Articles

    Year 7 students have been exploring technologies for collaboration and teamwork through games. The students took part in a new game to build a strand of DNA, as part of Technologies for being a Human Animal. They developed their problem...

  231. Wild Science Training Articles

    Senior students have started working towards their Outdoor Leadership Awards.

  232. Welcome to ICHK Outdoors Articles

    Year 7 students have begun their introduction to outdoor education at ICHK.

  233. The ICHK Lottery Articles

    Year 8 students have been using the lottery as a means to learn about probability.

  234. End of Year Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    First and foremost, I would like to congratulate everyone in the ICHK community for having made it through to the end of term 3 and the end of the year. It has been an extraordinary 12 months and, I am confident in saying, a year that...

  235. Spanish Project Articles

    Spanish students have started a pen-pal project with a school in Tenerife.

  236. Full Circle Mentoring Articles

    The Full Circle mentoring programme is underway for term two.

  237. Deep Learning Round 4 Articles

    Another amazing round of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by students.

  238. Sustainability Projects Articles

    A series of projects to help the planet is gathering pace at school.

  239. Enrichment & Flow Articles

    Year 10 students are working on a new design project during Enrichment & Flow.

  240. Sharing Ideas and Expertise Articles

    ICHK joined other Hong Kong schools for a makers event.

  241. Outdoor Leadership Training Articles

    Year 10 students have started working towards their Outdoor Leadership Awards.

  242. Exchange Visit Articles

    Our exchange programme is underway, with students enjoying their visit to China.

  243. Graduation Speech 2024 Articles

    Year 13 Graduation Speech from Karim Chong and Ben Ng

  244. Tunnel to ICHK almost complete Articles

    A new road tunnel will be completed this year, significantly reducing the travel time to ICHK. The 4.8km Lung Shan Tunnel, is a major project linking Fanling Highway and the boundary control point. It will be the longest road tunnel in...

  245. IB Director General Applauds ICHK Articles

    ICHK has been congratulated by the Director General of the IB for a perfect IB score by one of our students. Jonathan Yim achieved 45 points in the Diploma Programme last summer. The score is only awarded to a small number of students...

  246. Re-framing grief and growing through loss Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity and Human Technologies Teacher at ICHK School counsellor Christy Tsui and I recently had the opportunity to work with the London-based, co-creative collective a voluntary group of media...

  247. The Mastery Transcript Articles

    In 2020 ICHK became the first school in Hong Kong, and one of only five worldwide to graduate students with a Mastery Transcript. This was a major development, placing ICHK in a global group of progressive, pioneering schools, dedicated...

  248. Deep Learning Articles

    An amazing day of Deep Learning was enjoyed this week, before the programme was cut short by the weather. Students began their studies into a range of creative units, with Year 7s continuing their PERMA unit, focusing on wellbeing and...

  249. It's the taking part that counts Articles

    Raymond Chan is Director of Creativity: Deep Learning, Head of PE During the recent winter consultations, I had quite a few conversations about the Dynasty Touch Tournament that was coming up at Kings Park.  In some, I was congratulating...

  250. Free Learning Book Articles

    In 2021, a book on ICHK’s ground-breaking Free Learning programme was published by Routledge.

  251. Deck of Cards Articles

    In early 2022, all face to face classes were suspended again, as part of ongoing measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

  252. Activities at ICHK Articles

    Our Curriculum X Activities programme has returned.

  253. Recycling at ICHK Articles

    A new recycling drive at school is proving a huge success.

  254. Laser Cutter Articles

    In 2022, laser cutting was introduced at school as part of an expansion of our innovative Free Learning programme.

  255. End of Term 1 Assembly and Awards Ceremony Address Articles

    What a pleasure it is to be able to assemble once again in person to mark the end of a challenging but ultimately rewarding term.

  256. My Perspective: Meeting Gary Liu — The CEO of the SCMP Articles

    Moria Onuselogu is a Year 12 student

  257. Extra Curricular Activities Articles

    Our extra curricular activities programme for the term ahead has resumed.

  258. ICHK to Host HKOLA Conference Articles

    ICHK is pleased to be providing the venue for the annual conference of the Hong Kong Outdoor Learning Association (HKOLA).

  259. Global Conference Articles

    ICHK’s Director of Upper School and IB Coordinator Flora Lai presented at the IB Global Conference in Korea.

  260. 5+1 Model Articles

  261. A Digital Fast Articles

    Earlier this year we were in conversation with an ICHK parent who works as a mental health professional.

  262. Science

  263. CAS Week Adventure Challenge Articles

    Ray Chan and Chris Holland are the ICHK teachers who led the challenge. The 2017 CAS Week Adventure Challenge lived up to its name and then some this year. Undoubtedly, the week has been extremely tough which led Aoi to remark one...

  264. Bamboo Creativity Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity and Head of Human Technologies at ICHK A few years ago I visited The Green School in Bali. In educational terms it is an almost-mythical ‘Shangri-la’ of a school – the world’s...

  265. ICHK inspires Mongolian School Articles

    We are pleased to announce that ICHK secondary’s innovative curriculum is to be shared in Mongolia. Orchlon Cambridge International School is looking at adopting a number of our unique programmes, after school leaders were so impressed...

  266. Using Human Technologies to Achieve A Personal Goal Articles

    Jamie Holden is a Teacher of Mathematics at ICHK As 2018 started to come to a close, I reflected on the previous year, as most people do, and started to think of the year ahead. Like most years, I was thinking about New Year and setting...

  267. The +1 Centre Articles

    A milestone has been marked at ICHK with the opening of the +1 Centre. This specialist centre for students with pronounced educational needs has been developed over the summer. Its opening represents the culmination of ICHK’s commitment...

  268. Deep Learning Articles

    An amazing three days of Deep Learning have been enjoyed by students. The return of our innovative programme saw them engaged in an incredible range of new and creative study units. Students from Years 7-9 completed studies into food and...

  269. End of Term Assembly: Head of School's Address Articles

    A very good morning to you all – and welcome to this final assembly of Term 1, on the last school day of 2020. What a year it has been. How could I possibly bring the term to a close and speak to you about anything other than the...

  270. Grand Champions Trophy Articles

    At the end of 2022, ICHK reclaimed the Grand Champions touch rugby title for the third time in its history.

  271. Outdoor Leaders Articles

    The Outdoor Leadership programme has started for our Year 10 students.

  272. U20 Volleyball Champions Articles

    Congratulations to our U20 volleyballers who were crowned league champions .

  273. CAS+ Week Articles

    Secondary students have experienced an amazing range of CAS+ Week challenges . Students across the school have stepped out of the classroom, and pushed outside of their comfort zones. They have camped in some of the most glorious weather...

  274. Outdoor Leadership Award Articles

    Outdoor education is central to our approaches to learning and teaching at ICHK. It is in the outdoors that students learn the critical skills of leadership, dynamic problem solving, communication, planning, organisation and the ability...

  275. CAS Projects Spread Cheer Articles

    We are pleased to highlight some of the great CAS work being completed by our senior students. Creativity, Action and Service are terms taken from the IBO’s Diploma programme, and CAS is one of its greatest attractions to universities...

  276. Junior Achievers Articles

    ICHK students have become young entrepreneurs and launched their own small business.

  277. Maths Inspired Artwork. Articles

    Year 7 students have been creating maths inspired artwork.

  278. Graduation Speech Articles

    Brandon Lung’s Year 13 graduation speech

  279. Congratulations to our Touch Rugby Teams Articles

    Congratulations to ICHK Gold for taking first place in their division and to ICHK Silvers for a well deserved second.

  280. Angela Chung Articles

  281. School Garden and Nature Trail Articles

    Work is underway to develop the school garden and nature trail into a sustainable ecosystem.

  282. Humanities

  283. The Benefits of Learning in a Green Space Articles

    Susanna Lynam is a teacher of Year 6 at ICHK Hong Lok Yuen. ICHK Hong Lok Yuen has a very rare commodity in this urban landscape that we call Hong Kong. It has ‘Green Space’ that students can explore and learn in. As a teacher, I’ve...

  284. Deep Learning is launched Articles

    ICHK’s pioneering Deep Learning programme has been launched. Year 9 students have road-tested the first of a number of exciting new units. They completed the ‘Independent Travel’ pilot, aimed at enabling them to look after themselves...

  285. Spectacular Showcase Articles

    ICHK’s award-winning drama team has worked its magic again, leaving audiences spellbound with their amazing production of The Forgotten Circus. The annual showcase saw students mix circus, physical theatre and dance to create a visual...

  286. Drama Festival Success Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK secondary has swept the board once again at the prestigious Hong Kong School Drama Festival. The results of this year’s festival have just been announced and we won in all the following categories:...

  287. CNY Celebrations Articles

    A fantastic programme of activities was enjoyed as part of our Chinese New Year celebrations. Students at kindergarten, primary and secondary took part in special activities and lessons, all aimed at enriching language study and...

  288. Basketball Champions Honoured Articles

    Our gold medal winning basketball players have been honoured in front of the school. Our U16 players were recently crowned champions in the ISSFHK League. We were pleased to recognise their fantastic achievement in a whole school...

  289. Deep Learning Articles

    Another fantastic day of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by students. Day one of this term’s programme saw students engaged in an incredible range of new and creative study units. Brand new units included Children’s Literature,...

  290. Volleyball Success Articles

    The ICHK volleyball success story continues, with our U20s team embarking on another new challenge. After an amazing journey which saw our boys team winning the ISSFHK League last term, they have now joined the very competitive HKSSF...

  291. Cycling Proficiency Articles

    Year 8 students have been mastering cycling skills and learning about road safety. They have been practising biking around the school grounds as part of a special sporting unit led by our team of outdoor educators. After learning the...

  292. Creative Learning Articles

    Year 9 students have been exploring the key themes in Patrick Ness’ novel ‘The Knife of Never Letting Go’ through Lego®Serious Play® Director of Creativity Phil Morgan ran the session with students of English. Students...

  293. Easter Assembly Address Articles

    Last week I was chatting with a friend about a job interview he had recently been through after applying for a senior position at an international school in eastern Europe. For some employers, job interviews are subject to a kind of arms...

  294. Outdoor Leadership Articles

    Senior students have been working towards their Outdoor Leadership Awards this month. Year 10 and 11 students have joined Wild Science days for our partner primary schools, helping to lead sessions, organise activities and support...

  295. The ICHK Diploma Articles

    The inaugural ICHK Diploma was awarded to Isaac Wan and led to his acceptance at the University of Vancouver. Isaac’s is a true success story, and his journey represents exactly what ICHK stands for as a school. Isaac left ICHK after...

  296. Chinese Learning Articles

    Year 8 students of Chinese have been taking part in a topical debate.

  297. The ICHK School Media Team Articles

    We are delighted to unveil ICHK’s first ever School Media Team.

  298. Third Annual Science Fair – Head of School’s Address Articles

    Those of you with long and faultless memories may recall that last year I used the occasion of the Science Fair to reflect on the nature of tradition and to confirm what a privilege it was to be playing a part, if only a presiding one,...

  299. Students Enjoy Deep Learning+ Week Articles

    An amazing range of Deep Learning + challenges has been experienced over the past week.

  300. Glass Blown Cups Articles

    The ancient art of glassblowing is one of the many diverse experiences offered to students through our pioneering Deep Learning programme. This is a trailblazing programme, designed to encourage independence, motivation, enjoyment and...

  301. IB Review Articles

    ICHK has been commended for its strong commitment to an IB education, as part of a five year review process.

  302. We Can’t Go Back Now Articles

    Guy Traittel is a Year 7 student

  303. DL 5 Articles

    Another amazing round of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by students.

  304. ICHK Pin Articles

  305. Graduation Speeches 2024 Articles

    Year 13 Graduation Speech from Saki Takano and Jodi Fu

  306. It’s not just about the winning Articles

    Raymond Chan is Head of PE and Activities at ICHK Recently, as you may know, ICHK took part in a schools touch rugby tournament.  One of the girls jokingly pointed out that since we organised the event we could invite only teams that we...

  307. Ready to Learn Articles

    One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. At ICHK we are helping to make that change, with our pioneering Ready to Learn programme. This special early morning initiative is aimed at getting students into the...

  308. Touch Rugby Grand Champions Articles

    ICHK is celebrating reclaiming the Grand Champions touch rugby title. We overcame our great rivals Canadian International School at the Touch Rugby Tournament, winning 19 points to 12. At ICHK success is not simply measured by medals and...

  309. Plastic Free ICHK Articles

    We are proud to announce that ICHK is competing for a prestigious Hong Kong Green School Award. We are bidding for this year’s ‘NO Disposables Campus Award,’ after a major drive to reduce plastics at school this term. Vending machines...

  310. Maths Success Articles

    Congratulations to the ICHK students who returned with two medals from the North East Asian Mathematics Competition in Nanjing. Six of our students joined more than 150 international school students from across the region, to share their...

  311. Deep Learning at ICHK Articles

    Another amazing two days of Deep Learning have been enjoyed by students. The launch of this term’s programme saw students engaged in a yet another incredible range of new and creative study units. Our students began their explorations of...

  312. Class of 2021 Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2021. Our Year 13 students celebrated the end of their school journey with a special ceremony. It was a wonderful occasion, with parents and staff joining together to celebrate our graduates. In...

  313. Science Learning Articles

    Senior students have been working with research scientists as part of a pioneering science initiative. A group of Year 13s were invited to work with Dr. Lindsay Porter and Naomi Branna, the lead researchers from SEAMAR in hopes that we...

  314. Deep Learning Studies Articles

    Another amazing two days of Deep Learning have been enjoyed, after last month’s programme was cut short by bad weather. Students completed their studies into a range of creative units, including food and culture, pottery, climbing,...

  315. Laser Cutting Articles

    The art of laser cutting and vinyl cutting has been introduced at school as part of an expansion of our innovative Free Learning programme.

  316. Musical Inspiration Articles

    A rainy day at school has provided musical inspiration for Year 7s.

  317. Deep Learning Returns Articles

    A very memorable three days of Deep Learning have been experienced by students.

  318. Music Inspired by Nature Articles

    The beautiful surroundings of ICHK have provided musical inspiration for Year 7s.

  319. CAS Portfolios Articles

    Senior students have completed a major milestone in their IB studies.

  320. CAS Experiences Articles

    Year 12 students have been engaged in CAS learning experiences and projects this week.

  321. Year 7 Transitions Articles

    Year 7 students are beginning their training to become ‘happy, confident, intelligent warriors’, as part of their Transitions course.

  322. Felix Olesen Articles

  323. Drama Awards Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK has swept the board at the prestigious Hong Kong School Drama Festival.

  324. Class of 2024 Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2024.

  325. Touch Rugby Winners Articles

    It’s been a fantastic week with finals for all three of our touch teams.

  326. Creative Chinese Learning Articles

    Year 10 students have been introduced to Chinese musical instruments, as part of a creative approach to their language lessons.

  327. A Growth Mindset Articles

    Caelan Hermans is a Year 11 student

  328. Angus Li Articles

  329. Narrative Essay by Marcus Ko Articles

    The cold breeze brushed past his face, shaking him awake. His teeth clattered, as he tried to cover himself in his thin-sheeted blanket to ease the cold. His neck hurt from the rock-solid pillow. Suddenly, the door creaked and Vincent...

  330. ICHK Inspires Young Sporting Stars Articles

    ICHK staff and students have been helping to inspire the next generation of sporting stars in Hong Kong. A team from school visited the Hong Kong Sports Institute, the territory’s centre of sporting excellence and home to Hong Kong’s...

  331. ICHK Secondary Celebrates 10 Years Articles

    Ten years ago today was a very special day in the ICHK story. October 28, 2009 marked the official opening ceremony of our secondary school. It was the culmination of a huge amount of work by a group of visionaries, who overcame the many...

  332. Our Glorious Location Articles

    How many schools in Hong Kong can boast a view like this? This stunning picture was taken from the top floor of ICHK Secondary. These amazing natural surroundings provide our students with so many opportunities for learning outdoors,...

  333. Transitions Workshop Articles

    A special workshop was staged for Year 6 students , as part of a support programme as they prepare for secondary school. ICHK Secondary’s well-being educator and counsellor Christy Tsui, Head of Year 7 Ben Blain and Deputy Head of Year 7...

  334. ICHK Makes the Headlines Articles

    ICHK Secondary is delighted to be making the headlines for our fundraising efforts for Operation Santa Claus. The Student Representative Council organised a Christmas fundraising drive, where members showed creative thinking, drive and...

  335. Katrina Cranfield Articles

    Katrina Cranfield spent seven years at ICHK and says the school was transformative for her.

  336. Human Technologies Studies Articles

    Year 9s have been exploring psychodynamic concepts through our ground-breaking Human Technologies curriculum.

  337. TOK Exhibition Articles

    IB students took part in a Theory of Knowledge exhibition.

  338. The ICHK Logo Articles

  339. Carbon Off-Setting Articles

    ICHK’s overseas trips this autumn were carbon offset.

  340. ICHK Hits the Headlines Articles

    ICHK is delighted to be making the headlines for our fundraising efforts for Operation Santa Claus.

  341. Hong Kong Education University Visit Articles

    ICHK continues to attract visitors who want to learn more about our approaches to education.

  342. Celebration of Learning events Articles

    Wonderful Celebration of Learning afternoons have been staged at ICHK.

  343. Working with Us

    A rewarding career in an innovative school starts here.

  344. Learning In A Real World Context Articles

    Douglas Kidd is Deputy Head of School and Teacher of Human Technologies Human beings evolved to live outdoors, and many of the ways in which we think and sense the world around us are calibrated to the outdoor life.  A good example with...

  345. The Magic of Neverland Articles

    ICHK’s award winning drama team has worked its magic again, leaving audiences spellbound with their incredible production of Neverland. “Blown away, the best show I’ve ever seen, and visually stunning,” were just some of the comments...

  346. Inspiring Teachers Articles

    ICHK teachers are being featured in a worldwide round-up of inspiring educators from around the world. Juliette Perchais visited the school, as part of a 10 month around-the-world trip to meet and learn from passionate teachers. The 29...

  347. Amazing CAS Week Articles

    Secondary students have returned to school stronger, more resilient and more confident after an extraordinary CAS Week. The past week has been a time of incredible growth, with students working together to achieve physical challenges,...

  348. Farewell Assembly Articles

    Our annual farewell assembly has been held at ICHK to wish our Year 11 and 13 students all the very best in their forthcoming exams. As ever, it was a bittersweet moment. It is hugely encouraging witnessing their growth and the readiness...

  349. Deep Learning Articles

    Another amazing day of Deep Learning was enjoyed by students today. They experienced a series of new and creative study units, all aimed at extending learning beyond the classroom. Students learned about breadmaking, bamboo creativity,...

  350. Students help community Articles

    ICHK students have been giving back to the community, helping with a huge post-typhoon clean up. They spent time in our school’s neighbouring village Wu Shek Kok and its temple area, clearing debris and mess caused by Super Typhoon...

  351. 3D Printed Logo Articles

    This object was 3D printed at ICHK in June 2018 and I think it is the perfect object that represents two of the most wonderful projects that ICHK has undergone in my seven years here. 3D printing was brought into ICHK a few years ago, as...

  352. World of Physics Articles

    Year 10 Science students had an incredible afternoon at Disneyland, discovering the vast world of physical science and witnessing how science and creativity produce some of the most thrilling and exciting attractions at the park. As part...

  353. Touch Rugby Coaching Articles

    Senior students are delivering a touch rugby coaching programme at ICHK Primary. The Saturday morning classes are open to students in years 4-6, and are aimed at developing their sporting skills before they take up the sport at our...

  354. Stories of the City Articles

    The diverse Hong Kong landscape has inspired a book of photography by ICHK students. ‘Stories of the City’ is a beautiful volume produced by 14 budding photographers during CAS+ Week. From the bustling crowds of Central to the serene and...

  355. Preparing for a new term Articles

    We’re counting down to the start of the new school year. Our online learning programmes have been finalised, based on extensive experience from the past year, and best practice from around the world. Across Kindergarten. Primary and...

  356. The real world that is school Articles

    We all have some bad habits – and one of mine is using a turn of phrase which I don’t much like, but which, despite that, I sometimes find tripping off my tongue. That’s the problem with cliches – they take on a...

  357. Woodwork Skills Articles

    Year 6 students have been developing their woodwork skills, building freestanding towers that stand 4 metres tall. They have been learning how to use woodworking tools under the guidance of outdoor educators Ho Mei Chau and Tiffany Au....

  358. Transitions Workshops Articles

    Special workshops are being staged for next year’s Year 7 cohort, as part of a support programme to welcome them to ICHK.

  359. Year 7 Macbeth Articles

    Year 7s have been stepping into the roles of one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays.

  360. New Student Induction Articles

    We were delighted to welcome the newest members of the ICHK community to school.

  361. Cycling Proficiency in PE Articles

    Year 8 students have been mastering cycling skills and learning about road safety.

  362. ICHK Trail Articles

    The ICHK trail is once again open to students.

  363. AYP Expedition Training Articles

    Students have begun training for their Bronze Award for Young People.

  364. David Addis Articles

  365. Connecting with the World Articles

    Year 7s have been forging new friendships with students in America, as part of a global citizenship project.

  366. Transition Workshops Articles

    Special workshops are being staged for next year’s Year 7 cohort, as part of a support programme to welcome them to ICHK.

  367. Charlotte Cheung Articles

  368. Spanish Conference Articles

    ICHK’s languages programme has been showcased to educators from across Asia.

  369. New Bike Fleet Articles

    ICHK has recently acquired a brand-new fleet of bicycles to enrich our students' learning experiences and empower them to explore the world around them in a more independent and eco-friendly manner.

  370. Independent Travel for Year 7s Articles

    Year 7 students continued with their Independent Travel programme this week.

  371. ICHK's Flagship Deep Learning Articles

    Another amazing round of our flagship Deep Learning programme has been enjoyed by students this week.

  372. End of Term Assembly and Award Ceremony Address Articles

    Twelve months ago, as I stood behind this lectern, you might remember me saying that of the four whole-school assemblies that we stage each year, it is this one, at the end of Term 2, that is the most bittersweet by far.

  373. IB Camp Articles

    Our Chinese immersion and IB Preparation Camp is underway.

  374. Building resilience Articles

    How do you teach resilience is a question we often hear from parents? At ICHK, students are carefully prepared for challenges that will push them out of their comfort zones and test their resolve. These challenges may be in a sporting...

  375. Global showcase for ICHK Articles

    Innovations from ICHK are being showcased globally. Members of the secondary school leadership team have been invited to conferences in India, Macau, Portugal, Singapore and Germany this term. Our pioneering Human Technologies programme...

  376. Continued Climbing Success Articles

    ICHK students are celebrating success in the final round of the ISSFHK climbing competition. A group of students have been competing in this league against other Hong Kong schools. In the final round, our students won the U14 girls and...

  377. Award Certificate Articles

    Nothing in school is innocent – everything carries meaning, sends a message and teaches a lesson. The ways in which we talk to each other on a day to day basis, the frames of mind we bring to transactions, the attitudes we adopt to...

  378. Meeting of Minds Articles

    We are pleased to report on a meeting of minds between our Head of School and a leading light in the Taiwanese educational system. Toby Newton enjoyed a long and meaningful discussion this week with Professor Li, who works as an...

  379. Art Collaboration Articles

    Secondary students visited ICHK Primary for the first of a series of art collaborations. A group of Year 7 students visited to find out more about indigo dyeing. A naturally fermented indigo vat has been developed at school in recent...

  380. Outdoor Leadership Articles

    The Outdoor Leadership programme has started for our Year 10 students. A group of students has started working towards the certificates during their weekly Enrichment and Flow lessons. The unique initiative recognises students for their...

  381. Deep Learning + Week Articles

    A fantastic week of outdoor learning has been enjoyed by our Year 7 students. As part of their Deep Learning+ Week, students have been learning how to navigate, exploring the natural world, examining habitats and wildlife in the nearby...

  382. Energy: the essential component of any truly successful learning experience Articles

    I have found myself in several conversations recently with teachers, parents and students, reflecting on what exactly is missing from children’s lives during this period of disruption, including its repercussions for on-campus...

  383. Tennis Lessons Articles

    Our younger students are enjoying tennis sessions, as we start to offer more sporting opportunities after the disruptions of the past year. Year 7 and 8 students are all taking part in a morning of tennis coaching at the Hong Lok Yuen...

  384. Ellen Docherty-Fitzgerald Articles

    Ellen spent four years at ICHK and says her time at the school has been invaluable in preparing her for the demands of university.

  385. Curriculum X Activities Articles

    A range of exciting learning opportunities is being offered to students during Curriculum X time.

  386. Wildlife Camera Articles

    ICHK’s stunning location offers a rare glimpse into the very best of Hong Kong’s unique natural environment.

  387. Music Studies Articles

    Students are enjoying a wonderful programme of music at school.

  388. Wild Science Days Articles

    Spectacular days of outdoor learning have been organised for our partner primary schools.

  389. Visual Thinking Articles

    Students are building upon their skills in visual thinking.

  390. Climbing the Barren Rock Articles

    Year 8 students are developing resilience during rock climbing excursions.

  391. Discovery Dome Articles

    The Discovery Dome has made a return to ICHK.

  392. Marine Exploration Days Articles

    Year 7 students are enjoying marine life exploration days, as part of their outdoor learning programme.

  393. The Desolation of Mankind Articles

    Serena Cheung is a Year 10 student The night sky was covered with murky clouds, devouring the moon. A long-drawn, wailing scream pierced the calmness of the night. The people of a small town named Canaan stepped out of their homes....

  394. Complexity for school, and life Articles

    When I came to compose this speech, I found myself drawn back to the entry that I had recently written for this year’s Yearbook. I realise that, at the moment, my thinking is being dominated by the significance of complexity for school...

  395. IGCSE Exam Results Articles

    We are delighted that ICHK students have once again celebrated some truly outstanding IGCSE results.

  396. Inter-Form Competitions Articles

    Year 10s have enjoyed a series of inter-form competitions, designed to energise them as the end of term approaches.

  397. Earth Hour honoured Articles

    Earth Hour has been honoured at school, with the power dimmed as a symbol of our commitment to the planet. Computers and lights were switched off, as children were educated about the importance of saving energy, and the impacts of...

  398. ICHK Science Fair Articles

    We enjoyed a wonderful showcase of learning at ICHK’s annual science fair  – the fourth occasion on which the event has run and, by popular agreement, the best fair yet. Hundreds of guests braved the rain and joined us for an...

  399. A Barefoot Hiker’s Guide to the MacLehose Trail Articles

    We are very pleased to share the inspirational account of Saie Ryu Lee’s gruelling barefoot hike of the Maclehose Trail. In his article ‘A Barefoot Hiker’s Guide to the MacLehose Trail’, Saie Ryu details his extraordinary account of...

  400. Human Technologies - Metacognition in Action Articles

    Phil Morgan is Director of Creativity: Innovation and Teacher of Human Technologies at ICHK “I used to think the brain was the most fascinating part of the human body, then I realised…Hey! Look what’s telling me that”! Emo Phillips...

  401. Research Paper Published Articles

    A research paper by senior ICHK students has been published.

  402. Drama Exploration Articles

    Year 9 Drama students have been experimenting with character as part of a creative home learning exploration.

  403. Technologies for Teamwork Articles

    Year 8s enjoyed a virtual scavenger hunt this week, developing their teamwork and communication skills in the virtual classroom.

  404. The Mastery Transcript Journey Begins Articles

    Senior students will begin their Mastery Transcript journeys over the coming weeks. Students in Years 10-13 will all be offered opportunities to work towards this new qualification, which ICHK was delighted to unveil last school year...

  405. Class of 2022 Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2022.

  406. SRC Articles

    As we approach the end of term, a huge vote of thanks is owed to the SRC.

  407. Human Technologies in Year 10 Articles

    Having just begun their IGCSE course, Year 10 students are beginning to consider how they can best prepare and get the most from their experience.

  408. Year 10 Rite of Passage Articles

    A memorable rite of passage has been marked by Year 10 students.

  409. Conference Presentation for ICHK Articles

    ICHK’s approach to digital technology will be showcased at a major education conference next month.

  410. Grand Champions Articles

    ICHK is celebrating reclaiming the Grand Champions touch rugby title.

  411. The Little Museum of the World Articles

    Two of our Human Technologies teachers were very lucky to be invited to preview 'The Little History of the World'.

  412. Art Symposium Articles

    A stunning exhibition of artwork has been displayed by our students, as part of a Hong Kong showcase of artistic talent.

  413. 21st Century Learning Conference Articles

    ICHK’s approaches to digital technology have been showcased at another major education conference.

  414. Spirit Week Articles

    Spirit Week has been celebrated at our secondary school with a wonderful range of events led by our creative students. Each day was allocated a theme, with students across all year groups entering into the spirit of the week. These...

  415. Amazing CAS Week Articles

    Secondary students have experienced an amazing range of CAS Week challenges. Students across the school have stepped out of the classroom, and pushed outside of their comfort zones. They have experienced rock climbing, hiking, community...

  416. International maths challenge Articles

    Congratulations to the ICHK students who competed in the prestigious South East Asian Mathematics Competition in Jakarta last weekend. Katie Leung, Ivan Choy, Harry Cai, Evita Chan, Gabriel Nelson and Gemma Ball joined hundreds of...

  417. A reformed Maths Mindset Articles

    Susanna Lynam is a teacher of Year 6 at ICHK Hong Lok Yuen It was pretty early on when I discovered that Maths didn’t make a lot of sense to me. By Year 4, I was still struggling with recalling my times tables and if it wasn’t for my...

  418. Class of 2017 Articles

    Congratulations to ICHK’s graduating class of 2017. Well done to our Year 13 graduates, who are looking forward to taking up their places at prestigious universities around the world. We salute the whole cohort for their dedicated...

  419. Students impress global executives Articles

    Our senior female students embarked on a fantastic trip into the world of professional excellence this week. During a high pressure visit, our girls seized the chance to impress a team of global HSBC executives. They travelled to HSBC...

  420. ICHK's Class of 2018 Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2018. Our Year 13 students celebrated the end of their school journey with a special graduation ceremony on Friday night. They are now preparing to take up places at prestigious universities...

  421. Class of 2019 Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2019. Our Year 13 students celebrated the end of their school journey with a special graduation ceremony on Friday night. They are now preparing to take up places at prestigious universities...

  422. Great Barrier Reef Learning Articles

    Senior science students are enjoying the educational experience of a lifetime, at the Great Barrier Reef. A small group of students and teachers are visiting Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort, a coral cay at the south tip of the World...

  423. Music at ICHK Articles

    Our new music programme began this week, with wonderful melodies filling the campus. The first classes for year 7 and 8 students were held, along with our first clinic, where our young musicians began to refine and enhance their skills...

  424. CAS+ Week Begins Articles

    CAS+ Week is officially underway. An amazing range of experiences awaits our students over the next five days, including visits to Cambodia, Japan and China. Students are engaged in work experience, research and development and first aid...

  425. Connect & Recharge Articles

    Our younger students have been welcomed into school for our first Connect & Recharge sessions. Students from Years 7-9 joined us for morning sessions, reconnecting with their friends and enjoying a range of energising outdoor...

  426. Environment Inspires Students Articles

    Our creative Year 8s have been using the local environment to help them with their studies of war poetry. Students visited the Luk Keng war bunkers near our school as part of their English lessons. They were able to spend time thinking...

  427. Sports Kit Design Articles

    ICHK students have been busy designing sports kits which they hope will be selected for use in school. One of the new Deep Learning units offered this year was ‘Sports Kit Design’, led by sports enthusiast Richard Barnes. Over their...

  428. Kelsie Bouttle Articles

    Kelsie Bouttle spent seven years at ICHK, and has represented Hong Kong for rugby. She studied Medicine at the University of Queensland.

  429. Julius Wu Articles

  430. Moria Onuselogu Articles

  431. Connect and Recharge Articles

    A Connect and Recharge programme has been put together for younger students, to help them reconnect with friends and nature after a long period of online learning.

  432. Maths Learning Articles

    Year 8 students have produced some amazingly creative maths work.

  433. Connect and Recharge Activities Articles

    Students continue to enjoy new outdoor activities through the Connect and Recharge programme.

  434. Year 9 Goal Setting Articles

    Year 9 students have been setting goals to ensure they thrive during the new school year.

  435. Nature Trail Articles

    In 2022,  a nature trail was developed around ICHK as part of our innovative outdoor learning programme.

  436. The Evolutionary story of Humankind Articles

    Students in Year 8 have been studying the evolutionary story of humankind during Human Technologies this term.

  437. Football Marshalls Articles

    ICHK students have been supporting a primary football tournament.

  438. AYP and Expedition Articles

    Year 10 students have all completed an overnight expedition.

  439. Russian Dolls Articles

    At ICHK, we think of Human Technologies, and school in general, as a project of growth.

  440. Emma Kent-Jones Articles

  441. Kathryn Lung Articles

  442. Alex Hall Articles

  443. CAS Reflection Articles

    Laam Laam Chung is a Year 12 student

  444. Solving the Rubik's Cube of School Articles

    Kenny Ng's Year 13 valedictorian speech

  445. Core Week Scientific Research Articles

    Senior students have been working with a leading expert on Hong Kong’s pink dolphins and learning about drone use in scientific research.

  446. Cherie Chan Articles

  447. Sustainability Meeting Articles

    Work is continuing to learn about and promote sustainability at ICHK.

  448. Junior Achievement Club Event Articles

    Young entrepreneurs from ICHK have been receiving expert business advice as they work to set up their very own company.

  449. AYP Expedition Articles

    Four teams of Year 10 students have completed their practice AYP expedition.

  450. Year 10 Expedition Articles

    Year 10 students have completed an overnight expedition.

  451. Real Life Maths Exploration Articles

    Students have been learning about maths in a real life setting.

  452. Year 12 Core Week Articles

    Year 12 students have been off timetable as part of IB Core+4 week.

  453. What is school for? Articles

    Victoria Lee is Head of English at ICHK What is school for? This is a question that became a focus point for a Year 7 English group this Thursday. It wasn’t part of the plan, but sometimes some of the most interesting and memorable...

  454. Cambridge Strategies Book Articles

    In 2017 ICHK was named as one of Cambridge University’s 100 most innovative schools in the world. The prestigious University’s research wing, Cambridge Strategies, included us in its list of pioneering global schools. Profiles of the...

  455. SoCO Camp at ICHK Articles

    SoCO students enjoyed an amazing summer camp at school, experiencing an intense and captivating 24 hour insight into everything that makes ICHK unique. Students from the Society for Community Organisation visited us for a packed schedule...

  456. Mastery Transcript Awards Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK has awarded some of the very first Mastery Transcripts in the world. Year 13 students Eric Chen, Serena Cheung, Oscar Chow, Lore van Eetvelt, Katie Leung, Ivan Choy and Alvin Ng, have become our...

  457. The +1 Centre Handprints Articles

    In September 2020, the +1 Centre was officially opened at ICHK Secondary. This is a specialist centre for students with pronounced educational needs, and its opening represented the culmination of ICHK’s commitment to an ethos that...

  458. Music Learning Articles

    Year 7 students are enjoying the latest round of their Arts Carousel programme.

  459. Human Technologies Experiences Articles

    Students across the year groups have enjoyed hands-on experiences in Human Technologies this week.

  460. Big History Hikes Articles

    Year 8 students are taking part in ‘Big History Hikes’.

  461. Library Developments Articles

    Exciting things are happening in the new look school library.

  462. Maths Contests Articles

    ICHK students have taken part in a series of maths contests.

  463. Flora Lai Articles

  464. Study Leave Articles

    Year 11 students have spent their last day at school, before embarking on study leave.

  465. Deep Learning Experiences Articles

    An amazing round of Deep Learning has been enjoyed by students this week.

  466. Dynasty Football Articles

    The ICHK Champions League 2024 was an exciting day of football and fun, with a large number of students participating to represent their respective houses and teams.

  467. Big History Hikes for Year 8 Articles

    Year 8 students are taking part in ‘Big History Hikes’.

  468. IGCSE Results Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK students have once again celebrated some outstanding IGCSE results, at a truly difficult and challenging time for young learners taking their first steps with external examinations.

  469. IB Art Exhibition Articles

    A stunning display of artwork has been showcased at school.

  470. Our Students

  471. A mathematical day Articles

    A mathematical celebration has been held at ICHK, in honour of Pi Day. Teachers prepared a number of in-class activities to celebrate the mathematical constant, and the irrational number Pi was displayed across the maths classrooms. The...

  472. Calculating Hong Kong's latitude Articles

    Year 7 historians and and Year 11 mathematicians, working together in a ‘big mystery’ have successfully found the latitude of Hong Kong. The shared class joined forces on the Spring Equinox for a real life learning...

  473. ICHK House Events Articles

    ICHK’s first new house events brought the whole school together for a fantastic afternoon of community spirit and fun. Every student was involved in a range of events, either by taking part, helping to run, acting as referees, or...

  474. Secondary Newsletter Articles

    We are very pleased to share our end of term newsletter, which is filled with news and celebrations from another successful term at ICHK Secondary. ICHK newsletter

  475. ICHK Secondary Newsletter Articles

    We are very pleased to share our end of year newsletter, which is filled with news from ICHK Secondary. You can read it here.

  476. Secondary Newsletter Articles

    We are very pleased to share our end of term Christmas newsletter, which is filled with news from ICHK Secondary. You can read it here.

  477. Insight Magazine Articles

    We are very pleased to share the latest issue of our student magazine Insight. Our student editorial team has been working hard to plan, coordinate and publish the edition, which is focused around the central theme of nostalgia. This is...

  478. Harry Laidler Articles

    Harry spent three years at ICHK before relocating to the UK. He is currently studying at Sedbergh School.

  479. Football Success Articles

    Congratulations to our footballers on their medal success.

  480. Science Learning Articles

    Year 7 Science students have been planning an investigation into parachutes.

  481. Hakka History Murals Articles

    Wonderful murals inspired by Hakka History days have been displayed at school.

  482. Sporting Success Articles

    Students have been celebrating sporting success this week.

  483. EcoWarriors Articles

    Our EcoWarriors are driving a campaign against plastic waste at school.

  484. Monthly Reading Challenge Articles

    Students are continuing to expand their reading horizons with monthly reading challenges.

  485. Gardening Project Articles

    Gardening has taken root as an activity offered both to students in the +1 Centre, as well as during Tuesday activity time.

  486. Hispanic Culture Festival Articles

    ICHK students triumphed at a hugely successful Hispanic Culture Festival.

  487. Apply Now

    Use the links below to get in touch, and apply to join us, as a prospective parent .

  488. Resources

  489. Science Fair Articles

    A wonderful showcase of learning has been celebrated at ICHK’s annual science fair. More than 200 guests joined us for an evening of inspirational exhibitions and activities all around the school. Students demonstrated highly innovative...

  490. Kiln Oven Articles

    In October 2018 the first of a series of kiln ovens was built at ICHK. As part of a special Deep Learning unit, students spent time considering different types of stove designs, learned how to build using bricks and mortar, and then...

  491. ICHK to host Hispanic Culture Festival Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK is to host Hong Kong’s biggest annual Hispanic event. The prestigious Hispanic Culture Festival will be staged at school on March 23. Students from schools across Hong Kong will join together to...

  492. Abseiling Rope Articles

    ‘How do you teach resilience?”, is a question we often hear. At ICHK, students are carefully prepared for challenges that will push them out of their comfort zones and test their resolve. These challenges may be in a sporting setting, on...

  493. Box of Hope Articles

    The Box of Hope is a special gift for some of Asia’s most underprivileged children. Shoe boxes are filled with small educational and entertaining presents to be delivered across Hong Kong and Asia over the Christmas period. At ICHK we...

  494. Operation Santa Award Articles

    ICHK was proud to accept the Operation Santa Claus Most Creative School Award. Our Student Representative Council was officially recognised by the long running charity drive for its Christmas fundraising drive. Students organised a...

  495. ICHK Family Camp Articles

    A wonderful ICHK camp has been held, with new friendships forged between our families from primary and secondary school. The camp was held in the beautiful surroundings of our secondary school, and was a memorable occasion with children...

  496. Successful Hispanic Festival Articles

    A hugely successful Hispanic Festival was celebrated at ICHK . Our school played host to hundreds of students, families, teachers and friends for the annual celebration of language and culture. Students from across Hong Kong joined...

  497. ICHK Student Teachers Articles

    We were delighted to welcome secondary students to school, to teach our Year 3s about the science behind laughter. Three Year 8 students prepared mini lessons focusing on what our bodies are made of, what happens to our bodies when we...

  498. ICHK Adventure Day Articles

    ICHK Secondary staged a spectacular day of outdoor learning for our Year 4 students. Staff and students organised and ran a special adventure day in the scenic Nam Chung Valley. The area, which is on the doorstep of our secondary school,...

  499. Plastic Pollution Campaign Articles

    We are proud to announce a major drive against plastic pollution at our school. From next term, we are aiming to completely cut out all single use plastics, as we raise awareness of sustainable living at our primary school. It follows a...

  500. School Painting Articles

    ICHK Secondary is located at the site of the former Sha Tau Kok Government Secondary School. This painting is a reminder of our school’s history before ICHK existed. From research we know that the site was used as a local primary school,...

  501. Secondary Taster Day Articles

    Year 6 students enjoyed an exciting snapshot of learning at ICHK Secondary. A packed schedule of taster lessons was put together for them, including Science, Human Technologies, English and Drama. They were given a tour of the campus by...

  502. Amazing Artwork at ICHK Articles

    Amazing new artworks have been completed at our secondary school. The art team continues to grow every year, and a team of 16 dedicated and creative students spent CAS+ Week transforming different areas of the school. They created three...

  503. Lung Shan Tunnel Articles

    Whilst arguably not a school ‘object’, the Lung Shan Tunnel has played its part in the story of ICHK. The longest road tunnel in Hong Kong opened in 2019, significantly reducing the travel times between our two campuses. The 4.8km tunnel...

  504. Canyoning Day for Year 7s Articles

    Year 7 students are undertaking lessons in resilience, as part of our innovative outdoor learning programme. They have been facing the challenges of canyoning with our team of outdoor educators. The students were pushed out of their...

  505. Deep Learning + Week Articles

    Another fantastic week of outdoor learning has been enjoyed – this time by our Year 8 students. The students completed a week of activities with Asia Pacific Adventures, exploring the natural world, trying new things and learning to...

  506. Stepping Back in Time Articles

    Year 8 students have been taking a step back in time to explore the World War 2 trenches near our school. The students have been exploring the military relics in Luk Keng as part of their Human Technologies and Big History lessons. They...

  507. Human Technologies Learning Articles

    The stunning surroundings of our school have been inspiring students of Human Technologies students. Year 8s have been looking at religion as both a spiritual and a social technology. They were given the opportunity to think deeply about...

  508. Rooftop Pitch Articles

    Students at ICHK Secondary have started using our new rooftop pitch this week. Over the summer holidays, the roof top area of B block was transformed into an astro-turf pitch, surrounded by protective barriers. It is now being used as a...

  509. Operation Santa Claus Articles

    A programme of Christmas festivities by the SRC has been kickstarted. A range of events is being held at ICHK Secondary in aid of the Operation Santa Claus charity. Sales of ‘Candycane Grams’ are underway, with students from all year...

  510. Outdoor Expeditions Articles

    ICHK students have been scaling the summits during outdoor expeditions. Hikes have been held by groups of senior students. Students in Year 10 are beginning their work towards the Hong Kong Award for Young People. A small number of...

  511. Queenie Hon Articles

    Queenie Hon studied Psychology at the University of Bath. She credits many of her achievements to the encouragement and environment she encountered at ICHK.

  512. Jonathan Yim Articles

    Jonathan spent seven years at ICHK and attained a maximum IB score of 45 points.

  513. Lessons in Human Development Articles

    Year 7s have been learning to use knives safely, as part of studies into the course of human development.

  514. Amazing Artwork Articles

    Senior students continue to produce fantastic artwork.

  515. Orienteering Challenge Articles

    A fantastic orienteering challenge has been enjoyed by Year 9 students.

  516. House Basketball Articles

    The House Basketball Tournament has concluded, with Tang emerging victorious.

  517. Touch Rugby Resumes Articles

    Our touch rugby teams have resumed games.

  518. Year 8 Music Articles

    Year 8 students are learning the ukulele as part of their music programme.

  519. Volleyball News Articles

    It has been a good week for our volleyball teams.

  520. Literary Inspiration Articles

    Year 9 intrepid explorers embarked on a voyage of Gothic discovery across the abandoned Hakka villages dotted close to our school.

  521. ICHK Supports 'Get Redressed' Articles

    ICHK has joined the ‘Get Redressed’ campaign again thanks to a group of Year 12 students.

  522. Festive Cheer Articles

    A programme of Christmas activities is underway thanks to the SRC.

  523. Welcoming the Year of the Rabbit Articles

    A special programme of activities has been enjoyed at school in celebration of the New Year.

  524. Maths Walk Articles

    Senior students have been learning about maths concepts in a real-world context.

  525. Art Exhibition Visit Articles

    Art students have been inspired by the work of a visionary artist in a major new exhibition in Hong Kong.

  526. Insight Articles

    ICHK’s own student magazine Insight is published every year.

  527. ICHK Makes the News Again Articles

    ICHK is delighted to be making the headlines for our fundraising efforts for Operation Santa Claus.

  528. Simon Tasker Articles

    Simon Tasker

  529. Raymond Chan Articles

  530. Liam Greenall Articles

  531. Alistair Kanaan Articles

  532. Model United Nations Conference Articles

    Congratulations to the ICHK students who took part in one of the biggest Model United Nations conferences in Asia.

  533. Sustainability Pledges Articles

    Environmental pledges have been made by Year 7 students, in a bid to inspire green action across the school.

  534. Graduation Speech: Class of 2023 Articles

    After a lifetime spent delving into the complexities of the human psyche, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was convinced of the reality of what he termed the collective unconscious.

  535. Lost at Sea Articles

    Rehearsals are well underway for this month’s school production.

  536. Our Local Shoreline Articles

    The stunning surroundings of our school have been inspiring Literature students.

  537. Exploring Fire Technologies Articles

    In their introduction to Human Technologies, our Year 7 students have kicked off with our Ground Zero unit.

  538. Student Media Team Articles

    Students from the School Media Team have been learning about the work of local charity ImpactHK.

  539. The Happening Articles

    Year 7 students enjoyed a wonderful event at school, aimed at uniting them as a community of learners.

  540. Award for Young People Articles

    Students have begun training for their Bronze Award for Young People.

  541. Chinese Debating Articles

    Year 8 students have been taking part in a debating contest.

  542. Dynasty Touch Rugby Articles

    The Dynasty Touch Rugby Competition was a huge success.

  543. Coffee Workshop Articles

    A coffee market at school has raised $1,759 for SoCO.

  544. PE Orienteering Challenge Articles

    An orienteering challenge has been enjoyed by Year 9 students.

  545. Successful Exchange Articles

    A very successful exchange visit has been completed.

  546. The ICHK Book Week Articles

    A fantastic celebration of books and reading has been held at school.

  547. Jailbreak Articles

    Year 11 students took part in an exciting ‘Jailbreak’.

  548. Meet the Student Media Team Articles

    We are pleased to introduce next year’s Student Media Team.

  549. Coaching Success Articles

    Congratulations to Scarlette Leung, who was shortlisted for the ISSFHK Coach of the Year award.

  550. Our MT Graduates Categories


    ICHK’s innovative work has come under the spotlight of a global search team, tasked with creating an education blueprint for future generations. A group from Ednovators visited the secondary school, to find out more about the curriculum...

  552. Student Research Paper Articles

    We are delighted that a group of our senior students are to have a research paper published in academia. Year 13 students Laamie Chung, Eunis Yeung, Aaron Chu, Titan Juels, Constantine Asinas, Giulia Gobbi, Eric Schaefer, Sophia Lamond...

  553. Alris Chan Articles

    Alris is a IB Diploma graduate 2016.

  554. Vincent de Bont Articles

  555. Real Life Maths Learning Articles

    Students have been learning about trigonometry in a real life setting.

  556. Champion Volleyballers Articles

    Congratulations to our U20 volleyballers who have won their league.

  557. Hakka History and Bushcraft Articles

    Year 7 students are enjoying a ‘Hakka History and Bushcraft Experience’.

  558. Natalie Bailey Articles

  559. A cappella Success Articles

    Congratulations to ICHK’s very own a cappella group, for winning a top award in their first competition.

  560. Touch Rugby Ceremony Articles

    A special event has been held to honour the Year 13 students who have contributed so much to touch rugby at ICHK.

  561. Water Safety Articles

    Year 7 students are taking part in water safety days, which have been specially designed by our outdoor educators.

  562. Lino Block Printing Articles

    Year 9 Art students have been learning about the popular art of linoleum block printing.

  563. University Lecture Articles

    Director of Upper School Flora Lai has been a guest lecturer at the Education University of Hong Kong.

  564. Camp for SoCO Students Articles

    SoCO students experienced a taste of ICHK, at a special weekend camp at school.

  565. Dragon Maths Contest Articles

    Students have been representing the school in a maths contest.

  566. Cycling Badge Articles

  567. IB Exams Conclude Articles

    IB exams came to an end this week.

  568. Gauss Maths Contests Articles

    Students have completed another series of maths contests.

  569. History of ICHK in 100 Objects Categories

  570. The Great Story Articles

    Douglas Kidd is Director of Out of Class and Experiential Education and Teacher of Human Technologies In a book written in 1988 called The Dream of the Earth, Thomas Berry wrote about the need for a new story. What he meant was that...

  571. 24 Hour Race Articles

    Resilient ICHK students have run continual laps of The Peak for anti-human trafficking causes. A team from the secondary school took part in the 24 Hour Race to raise awareness of the issue, and funds for the organisation The Exodus...

  572. ICHK Attracts Record Numbers Articles

    We are pleased to announce that ICHK will have four forms of entry at Year 7 for the first time next year. Interest in our school continues to grow, with strong support from our three primary partners and burgeoning numbers from other...

  573. Learning in Japan Articles

    A fantastic CAS+ Week in Japan has been experienced, with our students learning about the history, culture, cuisine and transport systems of the country. Our group visited the sacred 6th Century Itsukushima Shinto shrine on Miyajima...

  574. Art Exhibition Articles

    The annual Year 11 art exhibition has been set up as we welcome students back to campus. Some of their fantastic artwork is on display in the PA room, alongside Year 12 IB artwork. We hope that all our returning students enjoy the fruits...

  575. ICHK's Class of 2020 Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2020. Our Year 13 students celebrated the end of their school journey with a special graduation ceremony at school. They are now preparing to take up places at prestigious universities across...

  576. Scarlette Leung Articles

  577. Year 7 Assembly Articles

    Year 7 students have been celebrating their Deep Learning achievements.

  578. Our Graduates Articles

    Congratulations to our graduating class of 2023.

  579. Contact Us

    ICHK exists so that students who attend our school enjoy the conditions in which they can ‘thrive’ as learners and people. The holistic welfare of students is at the heart of our philosophy.

  580. Our Graduates

    We are very proud of our graduates who have achieved success in the world of higher education and work. Many have secured places at prestigious universities around the world, along with coveted university scholarships and been elected into student leadership roles by their peers. Enjoy some of their stories below.

  581. Xi'an Cultural Trip Articles

    Primary school students have experienced the spectacular surroundings of historical Xi-an this week. The school’s annual study visit to China has just come to an end, with a packed itinerary which has included many sites of cultural...

  582. SOCO summer camp Articles

    SOCO students enjoyed a fun-filled summer camp at ICHK this weekend. More than 25 students from the Society for Community Organisation visited us for a day of activities on Saturday. Students from our secondary and primary schools joined...

  583. Spirit Week Articles

    A hugely successful Spirit Week has been celebrated at the secondary school. The annual event, organised by the Student Representative Council, included a series of activities including Lazy Day, Twin Day, Dynasty Wars, Character Day and...

  584. CAS Week begins Articles

    CAS Week is underway. Excited secondary school students are in China, camping in Hong Kong and engaged in a huge range of work experience placements. They are preparing for challenges that will pull them out of their comfort zones and...

  585. Operation Santa Claus recognises SRC Articles

    ICHK’s Student Representative Council is being officially recognised by one of Hong Kong’s longest running charity drives. Students from the secondary school have been invited to attend the Operation Santa Claus closing ceremony and...

  586. Hong Award Award for Young People Articles

    ICHK students have been scaling the summits as they prepare for the Hong Kong Award for Young People. Year 10 students took part in a weekend expedition, as part of a practice run for the acclaimed award. It was planned to help them set...

  587. ICHK Shines at Language Festival Articles

    Congratulations to the ICHK secondary students who took part in Hong Kong’s biggest annual Hispanic event. Our young linguists joined 140 students from across the region, to perform a selection of music, dance, poetry, drama and comedy...

  588. SOCO camp at ICHK Articles

    SOCO students enjoyed a fun-filled camp at ICHK this weekend. A total of 27 students from the Society for Community Organisation visited us for two day of activities on Friday and Saturday. Senior students worked tirelessly to organise...

  589. Bicycle Articles

    This was one of the first batch of bicycles ever bought for our school cycling activity in 2011. The activity began as a relatively small group compared to what we have now, with only three students in the group. Now, we have enough...

  590. Space Invader Articles

    This is a mosaic, made by Art Teacher Amy Thibeault in September 2018, of an alien from the video game ‘Space Invader’, and is based upon the work of the eponymous artist. It was created as part of a Deep Learning unit which combined the...

  591. SRC T-Shirt Articles

    Student voice has evolved and changed at ICHK as the school has grown and matured.  The student government, the SRC, now operates with its own multi-year level form group of 12 students, each holding executive positions. These positions...

  592. Model United Nations Articles

    Congratulations to our Model United Nations team who joined hundreds of other students from across Hong Kong for three days of debate at the Hong Kong Science Park. Our students were involved in the Human Rights Council, the IEAE, the...

  593. A special farewell Articles

    A very special ceremony was held at school, as we said goodbye to our Year 13 students. The traditional farewell assembly included sibling speeches, the presentation of awards and a look back at their time in ICHK. Head of School Toby...

  594. SoCO Camp Articles

    SoCO students have enjoyed a wonderful beach camp led by ICHK students. A total of 21 children from the Society for Community Organisation took part in the event at Sai Wan Beach in Sai Kung. SoCO works on behalf of some of the most...

  595. Taiwan Adventure Articles

    Students have experienced the wonderful surroundings of Taipei. Another hugely successful annual overseas visit has been enjoyed, with a packed itinerary which  included many sites of cultural interest, historical significance and scenic...

  596. GCSE Success Articles

    We are delighted to announce that ICHK students are once again celebrating some truly outstanding IGCSE results. A total of 41.3% of the grades awarded to our students were at A* or A, results in line with the highest achieving schools...

  597. Learning in Xi'an Articles

    A group of CAS Week students spent the week experiencing the spectacular surroundings of historical Xi’an. Their packed itinerary took in many sites of cultural interest and scenic beauty, including the World Heritage listed Terracotta...

  598. The Guilin Adventure Articles

    Dave Addis is an Experiential Educator at ICHK So, what happens when a group of nine Yr8 and 9 boys are given the task of leading themselves around southern China? During December’s Deep Learning, a team of boys were given a 5-day...

  599. Welcome Back Articles

    After four long months, it was a joy to start to welcome students back to school in phases today. The planning and preparation has been intense, as we navigate the delicate point of transition from social distancing to a return to more...

  600. Graduate Advice Articles

    ICHK graduates have been sharing their university experiences with our senior students, as they look ahead to the next stage in their lives. Students in Years 12 and 13 have been receiving advice and guidance from three graduates, who...

  601. Diwali Celebrations Articles

    A wonderful celebration of Diwali was enjoyed in the +1 Centre. Students have been busy  making Indian sweets and beautiful Rangoli patterns to mark the Festival of Lights. They have worked hard, creating Rangolis with beans, and clay...

  602. The Sound of Waves Articles

    The stunning surroundings of our school have been inspiring Literature students. Year 11s are studying Yukio Mishima’s ‘The Sound of Waves’ for their World Literature IGCSE. They were able to explore the themes, ideas and setting...

  603. Independent Travel Articles

    Year 8 students have been learning how to navigate their way around Hong Kong, as part of a Deep Learning study. Small groups from Year 8 spent a day off campus as part of an ‘Independent Travel’ unit. They travelled to sites of...

  604. Independent Travel Articles

    More students have been learning how to navigate their way around Hong Kong, as part of a Deep Learning study. Small groups from Year 7 have spent a day off campus as part of an ‘Independent Travel’ unit. They travelled to sites of...

  605. Meet the SRC Articles

    We are pleased to present this year’s Student Representative Council. The Student Representative Council represents students, and plans and runs activities and events that foster togetherness, community and school spirit. There is...

  606. Christmas Fair for OSC Articles

    A fantastic Christmas fair was held at secondary, raising more than $7,000 towards Operation Santa Claus. A huge range of Christmas decorations were offered for sale. Students and staff enjoyed browsing the stalls, and the SRC and fair...

  607. Selene Lee Articles

    Selene Lee spent six years at ICHK and studied at Central Saint Martins.

  608. Rei Ishimizu Articles

    Rei Ishimizu credits ICHK with preparing him for the challenges he has faced beyond school.

  609. Breakfast Cook Off Articles

    Year 11s took a break from their screens for a breakfast cook-off.

  610. University Offers Articles

    University offers are arriving for our Year 13 students.

  611. Spanish Learning Articles

    Spanish learners in Year 7 have been showcasing their language skills through a series of amazingly creative films.

  612. Candy Gram Articles

  613. Digital Fast Articles

    Students in Years 7-10 have been involved in a digital fast.

  614. iNaturalist City Nature Challenge Articles

    Students became citizen scientists last week as part of the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge.

  615. Me I Want to Be Articles

    Year 8 female students are being supported by a pastoral initiative at school.

  616. Farewell Simon Articles

    A farewell was said to one of ICHK’s founding members, who ended his term on the Board of Governors.

  617. Independent Travel for Students Articles

    Year 7 students have been learning how to navigate their way around Hong Kong, as part of a Deep Learning study.

  618. Chinese Language Awards Articles

    ICHK is celebrating fantastic results in the Chinese Language Festival.

  619. Excellent IB Results Articles

    We are delighted to announce another set of excellent IB results, which demonstrate the growth of our students as learners.

  620. Conversational Hats Articles

    Year 7s have been developing friendships and finding out about each other through a fun and creative tutor time activity.

  621. Paper Crane Club Articles

    A powerful story of extraordinary courage has inspired students to fold 1,000 paper cranes for world peace.

  622. Chess Tournament Articles

    The ICHK Chess Society Tournament ended with an exciting finale.

  623. Cross Country Articles

    Well done to the ICHK students who took part in the schools cross country mini-meet.

  624. Mahjong Tournament Articles

    A very successful Mahjong competition have been held at school.

  625. Year 12 Psychology Studies Articles

    Year 12 Psychology students have been using the library to investigate how books portray cultural norms for gender.

  626. Helping the Planet Articles

    New work is underway in the canteen to reduce our carbon footprint.

  627. Chris Holland Articles

  628. Jenny Wu Articles

  629. Amanda Luk Articles

  630. Ross Parker Articles

  631. Fundraising Bake Sale Articles

    The +1 Centre has been thanked for its fundraising efforts for the Turkey Syria Earthquake Appeal.

  632. Track and Field Mini Meet Articles

    Well done to all our students who competed in the Track and Field Mini Meet.

  633. Inspired by Nature Articles

    The stunning surroundings of our school have been inspiring Year 8 students.

  634. Final Day for our Year 13s Articles

    The traditional final day sleepover returned for our Year 13s.

  635. Clean Up Operation Articles

    Students embarked on a major clean-up operation as part of their work at the Starling Inlet.

  636. Wellness Challenge Articles

  637. Rite of Passage Hike to ICHK Articles

    A wonderful rite of passage was marked by a group of Year 6 students.

  638. Core Week Articles

    Senior students will be working with a leading expert on Hong Kong’s pink dolphins this week.

  639. Chinese Language Champions Articles

    ICHK is celebrating fantastic results in the 3rd Chinese Language Festival.

  640. Gardening Club Articles

    Our budding young gardeners have been receiving some expert advice.

  641. University Talks Articles

    University talks are continuing for our senior students.

  642. An Amazing Deep Learning + Week Articles

    An amazing range of Deep Learning + challenges has been experienced .

  643. Christmas Fair Articles

    Students enjoyed a wonderful Christmas fair at the end of term.

  644. Debate Team Articles

    Well done to our Chinese debate team members, who have just completed their season.

  645. Library Connection conference Articles

    Educators from across the region have been hearing about the ways in which ICHK is developing critical literacy skills.

  646. Broken Devices Articles

  647. The TASS Charter Articles

  648. Year 9's Rite of Passage Articles

    Kirstyn Lowe is Head of Year 9 and Teacher of Mathematics at ICHK.

  649. Rite of Passage into the Upper School Articles

    An important rite of passage has been marked by Year 9 students.

  650. Our Graduates Categories

  651. English

  652. Learning on the slopes Articles

    A hugely successful ski trip has been enjoyed by ICHK families . A group of students, parents and staff visited Shiga Kogen, near Nagano in Japan. They enjoyed winter sports, as well as cultural excursions and the opportunities to enjoy...

  653. Snow Sports Articles

    Another hugely successful snow sports trip has been enjoyed by ICHK families. A group of students, parents and staff visited the stunning Shiga Kogen area in Japan during the Chinese New Year break. This unique community trip has gone...

  654. Snow Sports Trip Articles

    Another amazing snow sports trip has been enjoyed by ICHK families. A group of students, parents and staff visited the stunning Shiga Kogen area in Japan over the Chinese New Year break. This unique community trip has gone from strength...

  655. Art Installation Articles

    Amazing artwork continually pops up across our school, thanks to the creative efforts of our students. New masterpieces including hanging installations, corridor murals, stairway artwork and wall paintings are added throughout the year,...

  656. Roy White's Farewell Gift Articles

    ICHK Secondary’s first Head of School was Roy White, who helped to set up the school and was at the helm from its opening in 2009 until 2016. He was one of a small number of educators given the opportunity to open a new school and...

  657. Snow Sports in Japan Articles

    ICHK students, staff and families have enjoyed a wonderful snow sports excursion to Japan. A large group from school spent the Chinese New Year break in the stunning Shiga Kogen area, learning how to ski and snowboard, sampling new food...

  658. The Smile Cube Articles

    The post closure classroom is a strange place for teachers, who rely heavily on nuanced facial expression to communicate. Having that hidden behind a face-mask is a difficult adjustment. With that in mind, Director of Creativity and Head...

  659. Peony Tan Articles

    Peony Tan studied Medicine at the University of New South Wales in Australia. She says that the teachers at ICHK prepared her well for the challenges of university life.

  660. IB English Studies Articles

    Students of IB English have been working on developing their skills of textual analysis.

  661. Real Life Maths Articles

    Year 9 students have been learning about Pythagoras' theorem in a real-life setting.

  662. Support of Peers Articles

    Over the past couple of weeks, I have explored the thinking behind two of our termly awards, Growth Mindset and Courage in the Learning Zone. In this post, I will touch briefly on the third, Support of Peers.

  663. More Touch Rugby Success Articles

    ICHK students are celebrating more touch rugby success.

  664. Chinese Language Excursion Articles

    An excursion to Sai Wan has been inspiring students of Chinese.

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