International College Hong Kong
Oct 06, 2020

Canyoning Day for Year 7s

Year 7 students are undertaking lessons in resilience, as part of our innovative outdoor learning programme.

They have been facing the challenges of canyoning with our team of outdoor educators.

The students were pushed out of their comfort zones during a day of outdoor learning and returned to school more confident and resourceful after their experience.

Activities like canyoning are carefully designed to build resilience in our students, and help them develop the ability to face down their fears, and dig deep into reserves of spirit and energy.

This is a mindset they can then transfer to the rest of their lives, whether it is dealing with exams or any of the daily challenges that they will encounter in the world.

All Year 7s will take part in canyoning days over the coming weeks, and we commend those who have already taken part on the resolve that they showed during the day.




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